This is a MEVN app using Socket.IO for live chat and Stripe API to handle payment.
Full Stack application
Vue.js on client side / Node.js on server side.
Instant messaging
Using Socket.IO
User can create and/or join public or private room (protected by password)
Non premium user can't create more than one chat room per 12h
Client IP is stored and checked.
Chat rooms are auto-destroyed 12 hours after being created.
This is a "fly-away" chat. Countdown is displayed in the chat room.
Room's name and username verification
Two chat rooms can't have the same name and two user can't have the same username inside the some room.
A premium user can create an illimited number of chat rooms
To become premium you have to subscribe a monthly billing (with one month free trial !).
Stripe API is used to handle payment.
With a demo card number for the needs of this project.
Stripe webhooks
- Update a customer’s membership record in my database when a subscription payment succeeds.
- Send a subscription or a cancelation email.
Sending emails
Welcome emails, password reset flow and cancellation emails are sent with SendGrid
Special admin authorizations
User who creates a chat room is the admin of this one.
As an admin he gets two powers : to block an user or to ban an user.
A blocked user will be able to read messages but not to post its.
A banned user is pushed out of the room and can't connect again unless to be unbaned. -
IP checking
In addition to preventing non premium user from creating more than one room, banned user's IP is blacklisted. (Only the username is blacklisted in this demo version).
Setting status
Users can set status "online", "busy" or "absent"
Downloading chat history
Users can dowload their chat history in pdf. History of each user begins when he joins the room.
Sign up / Sign in / Sign out with encrypted password stored in database.
Cookies and JSON Web Tokens
Are used to manage Authorization
Database Schemas and Document Relationships
Two models are used and managed with Mongoose : Rooms and Users.
RESTful API with Node and Express.
MVC Pattern
Server Deployment
Deployed on Heroku.