
Terraform EKS Toolbox - Ubuntu based container to manage your AWS EKS cluster via eksctl or terraform

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Terraform EKS Toolbox

Github: https://github.com/halflogic/tf-eks-toolbox

Ubuntu based container image you can use to manage your AWS EKS cluster.
Incudes primary tools like aws-cli2, kubectl, eksctl, terraform, helm.

Public images from Docker Hub are available.

Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/halflogic/tf-eks-toolbox

Which image tag to use?

Specifiy the image tag since there is no "latest" tag.

Example: halflogic/tf-eks-toolbox:1.21.r1

Means kubectl 1.21 is installed, r1 is the toolbox release version which may contain updates to the rest of the toolset.
Refer to the Dockerfile to see specific versions included in the release.


docker pull halflogic/tf-eks-toolbox:<tag>

# run the container
docker run -it --rm halflogic/tf-eks-toolbox:<tag>

# or keep running in detached mode
docker run --name tf-eks-toolbox -dt halflogic/tf-eks-toolbox:<tag>
docker exec -it tf-eks-toolbox /bin/bash

Tools installed:

Also includes common tools and dependencies:

  • curl, dnsutils, git, groff, iputils-ping, jq, unzip