- 1
- 3
RFC: support for svelte 5
#359 opened by laciferin2024 - 7
Dependency conflict
#315 opened by Japaxa2011gr - 4
Is svelte native is Dead ?
#342 opened by Ahmed-Alfahd - 0
Custom svelte event dispatch double-wraps data in event.detail.detail rather than event.detail
#358 opened by bloombar - 3
- 0
Missing maxLines typing for Labels
#356 opened by CatchABus - 0
- 9
- 0
Support Svelte conditional classes
#354 opened by jasongitmail - 0
Broken Peer Dependencies
#353 opened by TheBeachMaster - 14
- 2
[Proposal] Element bind:value mappings
#348 opened by CatchABus - 2
- 1
onDestroy not called when navigating
#314 opened by daveychu - 0
iOS Simulator Crash on HMR updates
#347 opened by orbiteleven - 0
- 1
how to control on:tap
#343 opened by wvq - 4
listView's `on:itemTap` gets overriden by `on:longPress` event on Teamplate's root container
#341 opened by lucasrhode95 - 6
- 4
- 2
- 3
SVG images support
#333 opened by dnicer3 - 0
Image Pastable Input
#336 opened by SGI-CAPP-AT2 - 2
- 1
Google Play Preview (Android) Does Not Work
#313 opened by jwatts777 - 0
ReferenceError: navigator is not defined
#312 opened by eunos-1128 - 0
broken on linux
#307 opened by ralyodio - 0
support webcomponents ?
#306 opened by yuhaiyang1 - 0
- 0
Wireguard VPN reference client app
#296 opened by mrbluecoat - 1
#291 opened by adamrpostjr - 1
Insecure dependencies
#292 opened by craig-sparks - 0
Starterkit Proposal
#288 opened by davidjeba - 0
#285 opened by muhammedAlySawalhy - 0
NativeScript with WebPack 4 support
#284 opened by ZPascal - 0
Can't build the app
#283 opened by tigermask1978 - 1
how to remove TITLE ACTION BAR
#265 opened by bobwatcherx - 0
GridLayout spacing rowSpan and colSpan NOT WORK
#266 opened by bobwatcherx - 0
Navigation problem inside tabs
#264 opened by uzarsalan - 10
- 1
SvelteComponent TypeScript errors
#252 opened by CatchABus - 2
How do we import stylesheets from outside?
#250 opened by zeddrix - 1
preprocessor is slow
#258 opened by farfromrefug - 1
Migrate docs to SvelteKit
#257 opened by benmccann - 2
No known component for element radSideDrawer.
#255 opened by zeddrix - 0
NS8 BottomNavigation/Tabs warnings
#251 opened by CatchABus - 5
- 1
Svelte 3.40 assumes link element exists
#244 opened by DaveLearn - 1
Website SSL issue
#246 opened by villisek