
🔄 Simple transaction engine as a CLI written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

🔄 rust-transaction-engine


cargo run -- examples/basic.csv
# to output into accounts.csv file
cargo run -- examples/basic.csv > accounts.csv

Possible optimisations

Streaming the CSV is a bit pointless, since we are doing stateful event stream processing. This means that we actually need to access transactions retrospectively, so storing them in an indexed format in some persisted storage is a must.

As an option for storage we could use SQLite or other embedded KV solutions, in a real project it's probably better to use a DB.


  • It's only possible to Dispute the Withdrawal and Deposit
  • It's impossible to Withdraw negative amount
  • It's impossible to Deposit negative amount
  • Withdrawal of larger sum, than available does not process and is ignored
  • Locked account does not respond to any further transactions