
La-Mulana Remake .rcd editing library

Primary LanguageKotlinBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


Kotlin package for editing La-Mulana Remake .rcd files. Compatible with Java and anything else that runs on the JVM.

Latest version: still WIP

Getting started

  1. Call RcdParser.parse(Path rcdScriptPath) to get a World tree of your .rcd file's data.

    • This method assumes that your script.rcd has identical Zone-Scene-Screen hierarchy counts to the vanilla game. If it doesn't, you must pass a second argument List<List<Byte>> worldScreenCounts to indicate the number of screens within each scene within each zone. The lmr-msd library's Stage.generateSceneScreenCounts() method can generate screen counts for each .msd.
  2. Edit your world tree's actors and effects.

    • Actor refers to a positioned screen object and Effect refers to a positionless behavioral object. Entity is the generic term for either.
    • (Coming soon) Decorator classes are provided for every entity type the rcd format supports. You may wrap an existing actor via pot = Pot.wrap(myActor), or use the constructor new Pot() to implicitly instantiate an actor with sensible default values for the params the type expects. Decorators have enum-typed accessors for any enum-style params the type accepts, e.g. pot.setHitSound(Sfx.SNAKE_HISS). They also have simple numeric accessors for other params which validate that the provided value falls within the expected range for the param, e.g. pot.setQuantity(-100) will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
      * If you find that the param validation logic for a decorator is incorrect somehow, you can bypass it by using setParam() like so: myPot.setParam(Pot.Param.DROP_TYPE, -120, false) (the last argument skips validations). You can also directly access the underlying List<Short> of params if you wish. * Alternatively, PRs to fix incorrect validation logic are welcome (see [Contributing] for details).
    • (Coming soon) Zone, Scene and Screen instances all have query-building methods for efficiently fetching and filtering entities. Queries for specific entity types using .ofType(decoratorClass: Class<Decorator>) will return a list of decorators instead of basic actors.
    • You can attach/detach effects to any hiearchy level with addEffect(myEffect) and removeEffect(myEffect), and screens also can addActor(myActor) and removeActor(myActor) (you can pass decorators too).
  3. Write your World back to a file using RcdSerializer.serialize(World world, Path outputPath)



  • To fix incorrect decorator logic, please edit [this rcdtype] file (the format is described [here]) and then run [this task] (you must have Gradle installed) to regenerate the decorator class files.