Product Catalog Project

This project is a product catalog application built using React.js (Next.js) and Tailwind CSS. The application fetches data from a provided API and displays products based on categories.

Live Site: Product Catalog Project

Table of Contents


  1. Login / Registration

    • User can log in using their email address and password.
    • New users can register by providing their name, email address, and password.
    • Form validations are applied for the email and password fields.
    • "Remember me" option available during login to remember the user's session.
  2. Category-based product display

    • Displays products fetched from the API based on categories.
    • Clicking on a product navigates to the product details page.
  3. Categories

    • Displays products under the selected category.
    • Clicking on a product navigates to the product details page.
  4. Product Page

    • Displays detailed information of the selected product.


  • React.js (Next.js)
  • Redux
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Formik
  • Yup
  • cookies-next


  • Clone the repository: git clone []
  • Navigate to the project directory: cd product-catalog-project
  • Install the dependencies: npm install


  • To run the application in development mode: npm run dev
  • Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000.
  • To build the application for production: npm run build
  • To start the production server: npm start


Login Page

Register Page