

Note: You can find the website IP in the configure-infrastructure job in the last run (configure server with ansible)

Step 1:Propose and Scope the Project

  • Pipeline steps 1- Build the latest code into a docker image and upload it docker hub. 2- Install dependencies and prepare enviroment. 3- Create a deployment for the app and expose it.
  • Circle CI will be used for CICD
  • Will rely on blue/green deployment
  • For the Docker application you can either use an application which you come up with. (My personal portfolio)

Step 2: Use Circle CI, and implement blue/green deployment

  • If you're using Circle CI, set up your circle CI account and connect your git repository. (Done)
  • Set up your environment to which you will deploy code. (Done)

Step 3: Build your own Kubernetes cluster

  • Ansible and cloudformation are used in deployment. (Done)
  • A new EC2 and infrastructure is created and a kubernetes cluster is configured on the EC2. (Done)

Step 4: Build your pipeline

  • Construct your pipeline in your GitHub repository. (Done)
  • Set up all the steps that your pipeline will include. (Done)
  • Configure a deployment pipeline. (Done)
  • Include your Dockerfile/source code in the Git repository.(Done)
  • Docker Lint and screenshot attached in a folder called screenshots. (Done)

Step 5: Test your pipeline

  • Perform builds on your pipeline. (Done)
  • Verify that your pipeline works as you designed it. (Done), You can check the circleci passed badge at the begining of the README file. -Take a screenshot of the Circle CI showing deployment (Done), and a screenshot of your AWS EC2 page showing the newly created (for blue/green) instances. Make sure you name your instances differently between blue and green deployments. (Done)


How the Cluster is deployed:

  • I've used an EC2 AMI from the marketplace (Kubernetes by bitnami).
  • I've create a deployment using a yaml file (You can find it in files under .circleci web-deplyment.yaml).
  • Then, I created a service and exposed the deployment to port 31234 to be accessible from the internet.
  • these configuration has been pushed by ansible and the creation of the EC2 and associated resourced are automatically deployed using CloudFormation.
  • I've created a docker image from nginx and hosted my portfolio in it.