
Axivity test

Primary LanguagePython


This project presents a test environment for the parser developed by Biobank Accelerometer Analysis. The test environment consists of a Dockerified ubuntu OS with a JDK installed. The source code of Biobank Accelerometer Analysis is mounted under the directory workdir. To have the test environment please follow the commands below.

how to get the repository

git clone https://github.com/halilagin/axivity-test.git

start the docker container (virtual machine)

docker-compose up -d

Attach a terminal to the container

docker exec -it radarad-axivity-isolated-test bash

Download the sample cwa files

cd biobankAccelerometerAnalysis
sh utilities/downloadDataModels.sh
javac -cp java/JTransforms-3.1-with-dependencies.jar java/*.java
python3 accProcess.py data/sample.cwa.gz

Windows environment

For windows environment, run the content of the dcup.sh and dcterminal.sh, which are actually docker commands.