What is it?
Overlay transparent PNG images on top of other images or videos. This is useful for apps that need to watermark videos, or apps where a user can draw on top of a video.
Used in check it out!
Getting Started
Merge is initialized with a configuration struct that is open for extension. Simply extend Merge to have full control over frame rate, export directory, export quality and overlay placement.
struct MergeConfiguration {
let frameRate: Int32
let directory: String
let quality: Quality
let placement: Placement
extension MergeConfiguration {
static var standard: MergeConfiguration {
return MergeConfiguration(frameRate: 30, directory: NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0], quality: Quality.high, placement: Placement.stretchFit)
stretchFit: Stretches the ovelay to cover the entire video frame. This is ideal for situations like adding drawing to a video.
custom: Custom coordinates for the ovelay and size for the overlay.
enum Placement {
case stretchFit
case custom(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, size: CGSize)
Overlay an image on a video.
- Note: For performance reasons the progress closure is not called on the main thread.
let merge = Merge(config: .standard)
merge.overlayVideo(video: AVAsset, overlayImage: UIImage, completion: { url in
// Video done exporting
}) { progress in
// progress of video export
Just drag Merge.swift to the project tree