Veterinary Clinic Management System API

This project provides a RESTful API to manage daily operations of a veterinary clinic.


Animal and Owner Management

Animal Operations:

  • Manage Animals: Perform operations like saving, updating, viewing, and deleting animals.
  • Filter Animals: API endpoints are provided to list animals filtered by name.
  • List Animals by Owner: A special API endpoint exists to list all animals based on owner information.

Customer Operations:

  • Manage Owners: Operations such as saving, updating, viewing, and deleting owners can be performed.
  • Filter Owners: API endpoints are provided to list owners filtered by name.

Vaccination Management

Vaccination Operations:

  • Manage Vaccinations: Perform operations like saving, updating, viewing, and deleting vaccinations applied to animals.
  • Check Expiry Dates: Prevents entry of new vaccinations by checking the expiry dates of the same type of vaccinations.
  • List Vaccination Records: An API endpoint is provided to list all vaccination records for a specific animal.
  • List Vaccinations within a Specific Date Range: A special API endpoint allows listing vaccinations within a specific date range.

Appointment Management

Appointment Operations:

  • Manage Appointments: Create, update, view, and delete appointments for animal vaccinations and examinations.
  • Filter Appointments: API endpoints are provided to filter appointments by date and time information.
  • Doctor Availability: Only hourly appointments are allowed for each doctor, ensuring the doctor's availability and no other appointments at the specified time.

Veterinary Doctor Management

Doctor Operations:

  • Manage Doctors: Perform operations like saving, updating, viewing, and deleting veterinary doctors.

Availability Management:

  • Manage Availability: Operations to add, update, view, and delete available days for doctors are implemented.
  • List Available Days: The days a doctor works are stored in the system as LocalDate, and API endpoints are provided for users to access this information.

UML Diagram

Mind map (2)

Veterinary Management System API Endpoints Documentation

This project contains a RESTful API that provides a veterinary clinic management system. Below is a list of all the endpoints that the API provides.



HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /v1/animals get animals by paging
GET /v1/animals/{id} get animals by id
GET /v1/animals/byOwner/{customerId} get animals by customerId
GET /v1/animals/name/{name} search animals by name
POST /v1/animals add new animals
PUT /v1/animals update animals
DELETE /v1/animals/{id} delete animals


HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /v1/customers get customers by paging
GET /v1/customers/{customerId} get customer by id
GET /v1/customers/animals/{customerId} get animals by id
GET /v1/customers/filter/{name} get customer by name
POST /v1/customers/ add new customer
PUT /v1/customers/ updatecustomer
DELETE /v1/customers/{id} delete customer


HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /v1/doctors get doctors by paging
GET /v1/doctors/{doctorId} get doctor by id
POST /v1/doctors add new doctor
PUT /v1/doctors update doctor
DELETE /v1/doctors/{doctorId} delete doctor


HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /v1/vaccine get vaccines by paging
GET /v1/vaccine/{id} get vaccine by id
GET /v1/vaccine/animals/expiring get vaccines ending in the given period
GET /v1/vaccine/animal/{animalId} get all vaccines administered to the animal
POST /v1/vaccine add new vaccination to the pet
PUT /v1/vaccine update vaccination
DELETE /v1/vaccine/delete/{vaccineId} delete vaccination


HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /v1/appointments/ get appointments by paging
GET /v1/appointments/{appointmentId} get appointment by id
GET /v1/appointments/byDateRangeAndDoctor get appointments of doctor in the given period
GET /v1/appointments/byDateRangeAndAnimal get appointments of animal in the given period
POST /v1/appointments add new appointment
PUT /v1/appointments update appointment
DELETE /v1/appointments/{appointmentId} delete appointment


HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /v1/availableDates get availabledate by paging
GET /v1/availableDates/{id} get availabledate by id
POST /v1/availableDates add new availabledate
PUT /v1/availableDates update availabledate
DELETE /v1/availableDates/{date_id} delete availabledate


1-Clone the project.

2-git clone

3-Configure the database in the src/main/resources/ file.

4-To get the project up and running, start from your idea.

5-API can be used via Swagger. From your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/.

6-You can send requests to end points.

Technologies Used


-Spring Boot

-Spring Data JPA



-Swagger UI
