
🌐 An extremely usable and dynamic React timezone selector

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🌐⌚ react-timezone-select

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Another react timezone select component, I know.. However this one has a few key benefits!

While looking around for a good option, I had trouble finding a timezone select components which:

  1. Adjusted the choices automatically with Daylight Savings Time (DST)
  2. Didn't have a huge list of choices to scroll through when technically only 24 (ish) are necessary

This demo is also available in the ./examples directory. Simply run npm start in the root of the repository after installing everything in the examples subdirectory and snowpack dev will begin, where you can find the demo at localhost:8080.

We also have some more examples available on Codesandbox using this component with the datetime library spacetime (example) as well as with moment (example), as well as in Typescript using the new Intl browser API (example) showing how one might use this component in a real application.

🏗️ Installing

npm install react-timezone-select

🔭 Usage

import React, { useState } from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
import TimezoneSelect from "react-timezone-select"

const App = () => {
  const [selectedTimezone, setSelectedTimezone] = useState({})

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <blockquote>Please make a selection</blockquote>
      <div className="select-wrapper">
          backgroundColor: "#ccc",
          padding: "20px",
          margin: "20px auto",
          borderRadius: "5px",
          maxWidth: "600px",
            margin: "0 20px",
            fontWeight: 500,
            fontFamily: "monospace",
          {JSON.stringify(selectedTimezone, null, 2)}

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root")
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement)

🪙 Tips

👤 Default Users Timezone

If you'd like the user's own timezone to be set as the initially selected option on render, we can make use of the new Intl browser API by setting the default state value to Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone.

const [timezone, setTimezone] = useState(

Thanks @ndrwksr!

⚠ Next.js Users

For now, Next.js isn't great about handling ESM packages. Until this gets fixed, there is a workaround for using this and other ESM packages via next-transpile-modules.

// next.config.js
const withTM = require("next-transpile-modules")(["react-timezone-select"])

module.exports = withTM({
  // ...further Next.js config

Update: Next.js 12 now supports ESM packages by default. If you have any problems with this package in a Next.js 12 project, please let me know!

🕒 Custom Timezones

You can append custom choices of your own, or fully replace the listed timezone options.

The timezones prop takes a dictionary of timezones. Don't worry, we'll prepend the (GMT...) part, you just have to pass the city(s) or region(s) you want in your label.

import TimezoneSelect, { allTimezones } from "react-timezone-select"
    "America/Lima": "Pittsburgh",
    "Europe/Berlin": "Frankfurt",

The above example will generate two additional choices in the select options, one with the label '(GMT-5:00) Pittsburgh' and another with '(GMT+1:00) Frankfurt'. You can omit spreading in the allTimezones object and then only your custom timezone options get rendered in the select component.

🕹️ Props

  • value - Initial Timezone string, i.e. 'Europe/Amsterdam' or the full object from the onChange function: { value: string, label: string, abbrev: string, altName: string }
  • onBlur - () => void
  • onChange - (timezone) => void
    • Example timezone parameter:
       value: 'America/Juneau'
       label: '(GMT-8:00) Alaska,
       abbrev: 'AHST',
       offset: -8,
       altName: 'Alaskan Standard Time'
  • labelStyle - 'original' | 'altName' | 'abbrev'
  • timezones - Custom Timezone Object
  • Any other react-select props

🚧 Contributing

Pull requests are always welcome! Please stick to the prettier settings, and if adding new features, please consider adding test(s) and documentation where appropriate!

🙏 Thanks