It is an iOS application related to RGB to Hex and Hex to RGB conversions.
The application is developed with Swift.
Conversions are made according to the values received from the user.
The background color of the application changes depending on the values obtained in the conversions.
It is a color system consisting of the colors Red, Green and Blue.
The RGB color system is used in digital systems (scanners, digital cameras, etc.) and monitors that mimic the human eye.
Hexadecimal Values that the hexadecimal system can take: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,
It is called hexadecimal because the total number of characters from 0 to F is 16.
Convert the red, green, and blue color values from decimal to hexadecimal.
Red, green and blue togather: Combine 3 hexes of RRGGBB.
Example #1
Convert red color (255,0,0) to hex color code:
R = (255)10 = (FF)16
G = (0)10 = (00)16
B = (0)10 = (00)16
So the hex color code is:
Hex = FF0000
Example #2
Convert gold color (255,215,0) to hex color code:
R = (255)10 = (FF)16
G = (215)10 = (D7)16
B = (0)10 = (00)16
So the hex color code is:
Hex = FFD700
Altı renk kodunun 2 sol hanesini alın ve kırmızı renk seviyesini elde etmek için ondalık değere dönüştürün.
Altı renk kodunun 2 orta basamağını alın ve yeşil renk seviyesini elde etmek için ondalık değere dönüştürün.
Altıgen renk kodunun 2 hanesini alın ve mavi renk seviyesini elde etmek için ondalık değere dönüştürün.
Example #1
Convert red hex color code FF0000 to RGB color:
Hex = FF0000
So the RGB colors are:
R = (FF)16 = (255)10
G = (00)16 = (0)10
B = (00)16 = (0)10
RGB = (255, 0, 0)
Example #2
Convert gold hex color code FFD700 to RGB color:
Hex = FFD700
So the RGB colors are:
R = (FF)16 = (255)10
G = (D7)16 = (215)10
B = (00)16 = (0)10
RGB = (255, 215, 0)
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