This is a work in progress, todos:
- Enhanced tests
- Remove last bits of REST api with GraphQL
- Complete Blog, Forum and Support modules
- Add backoffice for modules management
- Add RBAC
- Add Docker
Sapeur is the French word for Sapper, the server side framework of this project.
This full stack Svelte/Sapper project was bootstrapped with the default Sapper template.
It uses the following stack:
- Javascript ES6 as scripting language
- Svelte as JS client framework
- NodeJS, Sapper, Express as JS server framework
- w3.css as css library
- Fontawesome for icons
- Apollo GraphQL stack
- MongoDB Database
- Cypress as test runner
In the project directory, you can run:
will start the mongoDB instance. A MongoDb must been installed first with the datafiles in ./db or in another location by setting up the DB_URL prop in ,/src/config.server.js
will restore a default dataset in the mongoDb database named sapeur
will dump/backup the database sapeur in the mongoDump folder with the package version as identifier
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
To build the production code.
To run the app in production mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
To run tests with Cypress
To access Cypress dashboard