
Laravel 5 REST API

Primary LanguagePHP

A modern REST API in Laravel 5

Very sophisticated REST API using Laravel 5.4. You can find all what you need in this example to create an API of your dream.

We use in this Example :

The project is still under developement, you may find an update if you back later.

You can find ademo here :


Installation Step by Step:

1- After you pull up the project, browse to the folder with your terminal and run:

> composer install

2- To generate Laravel key, in your Terminal run:

> php artisan key:generate

3- Create a Database in Your MySQL (choose a name, for example: librarydb)

4- Create an new file .env in the base folder containing a copy of the file .env.example, and update the cresential of databases connexion


Make sure also to out at API_PREFIX=api in your .env file Like this

API_NAME="Laravel API"

5- To migrate the database, In your Terminal run:

> php artisan migrate

6- To fill the tables with some dummy data, In your Terminal run:

> php artisan db:seed

7- To run the server and test the API, In your Terminal run:

> php artisan serve

alt tag

8- Under construction...