
Configuration of a local aws sandbox with localstack running in docker-compose for testing code and configuration


This project uses localstack that provides an easy-to-use test/mocking framework for developing cloud applications. One important point to remember following the next instructions until the example, is that localstack does not deploying any aws service in the local machine, it emulates the API transaction.

How it works


Starting the container:

docker-compose up

Checking available services: curl http://localhost:4566/health should return:

  "services": {
    "acm": "available",
    "apigateway": "available",
    "cloudformation": "available",
    "cloudwatch": "available",
    "config": "available",
    "dynamodb": "available",
    "dynamodbstreams": "available",
    "ec2": "available",
    "es": "available",
    "events": "available",
    "firehose": "available",
    "iam": "available",
    "kinesis": "available",
    "kms": "available",
    "lambda": "available",
    "logs": "available",
    "opensearch": "available",
    "redshift": "available",
    "resource-groups": "available",
    "resourcegroupstaggingapi": "available",
    "route53": "available",
    "route53resolver": "available",
    "s3": "available",
    "s3control": "available",
    "secretsmanager": "available",
    "ses": "available",
    "sns": "available",
    "sqs": "available",
    "ssm": "available",
    "stepfunctions": "available",
    "sts": "available",
    "support": "available",
    "swf": "available",
    "transcribe": "available"
  "version": "2.0.3.dev"

install aws cli via: aws configure.

And finally you can start emulating api transactions:

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566/ ec2 run-instances \
--image-id ami-123456 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name \
randkey --region us-east-1