
Request parser is very nice burp extender. This extender helps all pentester when getting evidence. Request parser can dump evidence easy to use request.


Getting Started

First run the following command

$ git clone
$ cd request-parser
$ mvn install && mvn compile

Maven build request-parser-v1.x.jar in the current directory.
Now request-parser should be available.


├── src        # To change request parser only directories below this level
│   ├── main
│   │   └── java
│   │       └── burp
│   │           ├──
│   │           └── com
│   │               ├──  # Not required to build Maven, Used to sandbox.
│   │               ├── burp      # request parser source codes.
│   │               └── org       # Don't move and any change. The burp tool needs to arrange this folder to use apache libraries.
│   └── test
└── target     # This folder is the maven default output folder.

Burp Extender Usage

It's easy way to use request parser by following these steps. [Extender] -> [Extentions] -> [Add] -> [Extention Details]

And [Request Paeser] tab will appear in the burp tab line.


There are two ways to debug method. for now.

  1. Using IDE.
  2. Using Burp extender output console.