GPT code generation utilities for vscode
Use GPT to generate code. Select text (Selects current line if no text selected) and hit ctrl+alt+enter (cmd+alt+enter on Mac).
PS: It's best to select the whole method if you want it to rewrite parts of it.
- Imports from code generation are merged with document imports
- Information about imports in the document are included in the GPT request. (Example: "
import { isHidden } from "someModule";
" in document will generate "const isHidden: () => boolean
- Imports from code generation are merged with document imports
An OpenAI account and API key.
: Your OpenAI API key.vscode-gpt.model
: GPT model to use.vscode-gpt.extraPreferences
: Extra preferences. General or for specific language IDs.- You can have general or language specific preferences. Here are some examples:
{ "value": "Add comment for complex code." }, { "languageId": "typescriptreact", "value": "Always use styled components for styling. Document structure should be (styles, props, component, export default component)" }, { "languageId": "typescriptreact", "value": "Never import React from 'react'.\nReact components do not need to be typed as React.FC<>. ALWAYS use the following structure for react components: `const MyComponent = () => ...` or `const MyComponent = ({...}:MyComponentProps) => ...`" }, { "languageId": "typescript, typescriptreact", "value": "Use arrow functions instead of function declarations." }