
Time and Date directives and services for AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status


Tangular is a set of native time and date directives and services for AngularJS, with no external dependencies. The long-term goal of Tangular is a replacement for Moment.js, particularly the timeago and calendar time. Tangular is still in its infancy, so use with caution.

Getting Started

The current implementation of Tangular includes a relative time directive and service. Often called timeago, this directive converts dates and times relative to the current time (or a provided time), such as "just now", "a few minutes ago", etc.



   <span tng-relative-time="date"></span>`


   scope.date = new Date();

Relative Time


   <span tng-relative-time="date" tng-between="between"></span>


	scope.date = new Date();
	scope.between = scope.date.setMinutes(scope.date.getMinutes() - 5)

By default, the suffix/prefix (eg. "ago" or "from now") will be removed for relative time and included for timeago. The default settings can be changed by setting a tng-suffix="boolean" property.

Documentation & Examples

This is currently a work in progress. There is currently no docs to generate, and the grunt doc generation is still effectively tied to AngularStrap.


Clone the repo: git clone git://github.com/hall5714/tangular.git

Running Tests:

$ npm install grunt-cli --global
$ npm install --dev
$ grunt test


$ grunt build


$ grunt serve


A special thanks to Olivier Louvignes, the core developer of AngularStrap. The majority of the Grunt and Testing setup for this project was taken from AngularStrap. Additionally, a thanks to Moment.js the library that generated the idea for Tangular.


Justin Hall