master thesis

Primary LanguageC#

Master-Thesis Sommersemester 2012

Dieses Repository nutze ich um den Code und den Text meiner Master-Thesis zu verwalten. Sämtlicher Inhalt ist urheberrechtlich geschütztes Material von Manuel Naujoks. Das offizielle Usus.NET Repository befindet sich unter https://github.com/usus/Usus.NET.


This Visual Studio extension provides static code analysis for software developed with .NET. Usus.NET VSIX

The analysis can also be performed in code.

//var metrics = Analyze.PortableExecutables(assemblyToAnalyze);
var metrics = Analyze.Me();
foreach (var method in metrics.Methods)
	Console.WriteLine("Signature: " + method.Signature);
	Console.WriteLine("CC: " + method.CyclomaticComplexity);

The result of the analysis can be rated and filtered for hotspots.

RatedMetrics rated = metrics.Rate();
double acd = rated.AverageComponentDependency;
int cyclicNamespaces = rated.NamespacesWithCyclicDependencies;

MetricsHotspots hotspots = metrics.Hotspots();
var complicatedMethods = hotspots.OfCyclomaticComplexity();
var bigClasses = hotspots.OfClassSizeOver(10);