
Neural networks built in Fancy Garbling

Primary LanguageRust

fuNN (fork of garbled neural net experiments)

This repo contains an implementation of convolutional neural networks using arithmetic garbled circuits, via fancy-garbling. It contains the models we ran our experiments on in our paper, Garbled Neural Networks Are Practical.

The high-level idea is that we use JSON output of tensorflow models to build neural network layers as a garbled circuit. The Garbler either hard codes the weights and biases as public values or as secret garbler input wires, depending on how the circuit is configured. Public weights is much, much cheaper to run. Finally, the Evaluator is started on another thread, and the Garbler passes the garbled circuit incrementally through a channel as it is created. The Evaluator evaluates it using the test input - in our examples this is always an image.

The neural_nets directory contains the trained neural networks we used in the paper. To run an experiment, you simply point the binary rust program to the directory you want and give it a command on what kind of test you would like to run.

Generally, the Garbler does not know how large to make the integers. Integers must be large enough to avoid overflow. But the smaller they are, the better the performance. Therefore, we have the bitwidth command to run on a particular neural network. This will evaluate the neural network on all the test data and return the maximum bitwith necessary for each layer. You can then use this information to customize the bitwith for each layer when using other commands (using the -w argument).

If you aren't familiar with rust, the getting started page is here.

Note on requirements: This project uses nightly rustc due to use of atomic operations. We recommend using rustup to configure nightly rust. Fancy Garbling also requires AESNI, so requires a processor that supports that instruction.


cargo run --relase -- [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <DIR> [SUBCOMMAND]

    -b, --boolean    runs in boolean mode
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -s, --secret     use secret weights
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -w, --bitwidth <bitwidth>            comma separated bitwidths to use for each layer (last number is replicated)
                                         [default: 15]
    -a, --accuracy <default-accuracy>    default accuracy for activations and max (overridden by specific accuracy
                                         settings) [default: 100%]
        --max <max-accuracy>             accuracy of max
    -n <NUM>                             number of tests to run
        --relu <relu-accuracy>           accuracy of relu
        --sign <sign-accuracy>           accuracy of sign

    <DIR>    Sets the neural network directory to use

    bitwidth    Evaluate the neural net to find the maximum bitwidth needed for each layer
    direct      Evaluate the given neural net directly over i64 values
    dummy       Test the accuracy of the fancy encoding of the neural network
    bench       Benchmark garbling and evaluating the neural network
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

for example: to run a benchmark on a neural network:

cargo run --release -- neural_nets/DINN_30 bench