
Parse JSON without risk of losing numeric information

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Parse JSON without risk of losing numeric information.

let text = '{"normal":2.3,"long":123456789012345678901,"big":2.3e+500}';

// JSON.parse will lose some digits and a whole number:
    // '{"normal":2.3,"long":123456789012345680000,"big":null}'      WHOOPS!!!

// LosslessJSON.parse will preserve big numbers:
    // '{"normal":2.3,"long":123456789012345678901,"big":2.3e+500}'

How does it work? The library works exactly the same as the native JSON.parse and JSON.stringify. The difference is that lossless-json preserves information of big numbers. lossless-json parses numeric values not as a regular number but as a LosslessNumber, a data type which stores the numeric value as a string. One can perform regular operations with a LosslessNumber, and it will throw an error when this would result in losing information.

When to use? Only in some special cases. For example when you have to create some sort of data processing middleware which has to process arbitrary JSON without risk of screwing up. JSON objects containing big numbers are rare in the wild. It can occur for example when interoperating with applications written in C++, Java, or C#, which support data types like long. Parsing a long into a JavaScript number can result in losing information because a long can hold more digits than a number. If possible, it's preferable to change these applications such that they serialize big numbers in a safer way, for example in a stringified form. If that's not feasible, lossless-json is here to help you out.


  • No risk of losing numeric information when parsing JSON containing big numbers.
  • Supports circular references.
  • Compatible with the native JSON.parse and JSON.stringify.
  • Works in browsers and node.js.
  • Less then 3kB when minified and gzipped.


Install via npm:

npm install lossless-json


Parse and stringify

Parsing and stringification works as you're used to:

'use strict';
const LosslessJSON = require('lossless-json');

let json = LosslessJSON.parse('{"foo":"bar"}'); // {foo: 'bar'}
let text = LosslessJSON.stringify(json);        // '{"foo":"bar"}'


Numbers are parsed into a LosslessNumber, which can be used like a regular number in numeric operations. Converting to a number will throw an error when this would result in losing information due to truncation, overflow, or underflow.

'use strict';
const LosslessJSON = require('lossless-json');

let text = '{"normal":2.3,"long":123456789012345678901,"big":2.3e+500}';
let json = LosslessJSON.parse(text);

console.log(json.normal.isLosslessNumber); // true
console.log(json.normal.valueOf());        // number, 2.3
console.log(json.normal + 2);              // number, 4.3

// the following operations will throw an error
// as they would result in information loss
console.log(json.long + 1); // throws Error Cannot convert to number: number would be truncated
console.log(json.big + 1);  // throws Error Cannot convert to number: number would overflow

If you want parse a json string into an object with regular numbers, but want to validate that no numeric information is lost, you can parse the json string using lossless-json and immediately convert LosslessNumbers into numbers using a reviver:

'use strict';
const LosslessJSON = require('lossless-json');

// convert LosslessNumber to number
// will throw an error if this results in information loss
function convertLosslessNumber (key, value) {
  if (value && value.isLosslessNumber) {
    return value.valueOf();
  else {
    return value;

// will parse with success if all values can be represented with a number
let json = LosslessJSON.parse('[1,2,3]', convertLosslessNumber);
console.log(json);  // [1, 2, 3] (regular numbers)

// will throw an error when some of the values are too large to represent correctly as number
try {
  let json = LosslessJSON.parse('[1,2e+500,3]', convertLosslessNumber);
catch (err) {
  console.log(err); // throws Error Cannot convert to number: number would overflow


To use the library in conjunction with your favorite BigNumber library, for example decimal.js, you can use a replacer and reviver:

'use strict';
const LosslessJSON = require('lossless-json');
const Decimal = require('decimal.js');

// convert LosslessNumber to Decimal
function reviver (key, value) {
  if (value && value.isLosslessNumber) {
    return new Decimal(value.toString());
  else {
    return value;

// convert Decimal to LosslessNumber
function replacer (key, value) {
  if (value instanceof Decimal) {
    return new LosslessJSON.LosslessNumber(value.toString());
  else {
    return value;

// parse JSON, operate on a Decimal value, then stringify again
let text = '{"value":2.3e500}';
let json = LosslessJSON.parse(text, reviver);     // {value: new Decimal('2.3e500')}
let result = {                                    // {result: new Decimal('4.6e500')}
  result: json.value.times(2)
let str = LosslessJSON.stringify(json, replacer); // '{"result":4.6e500}'

Circular references

lossless-json automatically stringifies and restores circular references. Circular references are encoded as a JSON Pointer URI fragment.

'use strict';
const LosslessJSON = require('lossless-json');

// create an object containing a circular reference to `foo` inside `bar`
let json = {
  foo: {
    bar: {}
json.foo.bar.foo = json.foo;

let text = LosslessJSON.stringify(json);
// text = '"{"foo":{"bar":{"foo":{"$ref":"#/foo"}}}}"'

When resolving circular references is not desirable, resolving circular references can be turned off:

'use strict';
const LosslessJSON = require('lossless-json');

// disable circular references
LosslessJSON.config({circularRefs: false});

// create an object containing a circular reference to `foo` inside `bar`
let json = {
  foo: {
    bar: {}
json.foo.bar.foo = json.foo;

try {
  let text = LosslessJSON.stringify(json);
catch (err) {
  console.log(err); // Error: Circular reference at "#/foo/bar/foo"



Get and/or set configuration options for lossless-json.

  • @param [{circularRefs: boolean}] [options] Optional new configuration to be applied.
  • @returns {{circularRefs}} Returns an object with the current configuration.

The following options are available:

  • {boolean} circularRefs : true When true (default), LosslessJSON.stringify will resolve circular references. When false, the function will throw an error when a circular reference is encountered.

parse(text [, reviver])

The LosslessJSON.parse() function parses a string as JSON, optionally transforming the value produced by parsing.

  • @param {string} text The string to parse as JSON. See the JSON object for a description of JSON syntax.
  • @param {function(key: string, value: *)} [reviver] If a function, prescribes how the value originally produced by parsing is
    • transformed, before being returned.
  • @returns {*} Returns the Object corresponding to the given JSON text.
  • @throws Throws a SyntaxError exception if the string to parse is not valid JSON.

stringify(value [, replacer [, space]])

The `LosslessJSON.stringify()`` function converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string, optionally replacing values if a replacer function is specified, or optionally including only the specified properties if a replacer array is specified.

  • @param {*} value The value to convert to a JSON string.
  • @param {function(key: string, value: *) | Array.<string | number>} [replacer] A function that alters the behavior of the stringification process, or an array of String and Number objects that serve as a whitelist for selecting the properties of the value object to be included in the JSON string. If this value is null or not provided, all properties of the object are included in the resulting JSON string.
  • @param {number | string} [space] A String or Number object that's used to insert white space into the output JSON string for readability purposes. If this is a Number, it indicates the number of space characters to use as white space; this number is capped at 10 if it's larger than that. Values less than 1 indicate that no space should be used. If this is a String, the string (or the first 10 characters of the string, if it's longer than that) is used as white space. If this parameter is not provided (or is null), no white space is used.
  • @returns {string | undefined} Returns the string representation of the JSON object.



new LosslessJSON.LosslessNumber(value: number | string) : LosslessNumber


  • valueOf() : number Convert the LosslessNumber to a regular number. Throws an Error when this would result in loss of information: when the numbers digits would be truncated, or when the number would overflow or underflow.
  • toString() : string Get the string representation of the lossless number.


  • {boolean} isLosslessNumber : true Lossless numbers contain a property isLosslessNumber which can be used to check whether some variable contains LosslessNumber.


To test the library, first install dependencies once:

npm install

Then generate a bundle (some tests validate the created bundle):

npm run build

Then run the tests:

npm test

To run a benchmark to compare the performance with the native JSON parser:

npm run benchmark

(Spoiler: lossless-json is much slower than native)


To build a bundled and minified library (ES5), first install the dependencies once:

npm install

Then bundle the code:

npm run build

This will generate an ES5 compatible bundle ./dist/lossless-json.js which can be executed in browsers and node.js.


  • Update version number in package.json
  • Describe changes is HISTORY.md
  • run npm test to see whether everything works correctly.
  • merge changes from develop into master
  • create git tag and push it: git tag v1.0.2 && git push --tags
  • publish via npm publish (this will first run npm test && npm run build before actually publishing the library).


Released under the MIT license.