You can generate a new repository with the same directory structure and files as the template repository using GitHub article: Creating a repository from a template.
N.B. Tasks for which the field "Execute in" wrirtten "template" should be implemented using the template, others - in the student's private repository.
- Execute in: private repository
- Description
- Cross-check criteria
How to get update from template
- Set VSCode as a default GIT editor (it's not mandatory)
git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
- Commit current changes
- Add template as the remote repository
git remote add template
- Apply changes from template
git pull template master --allow-unrelated-histories
- Apply all your changes
git checkout --ours ':!node_modules'
- Apply all changes
git checkout --theirs .
- Save changes
git add .
- Continue merge
git commit
- Close VSCode tab with commit message. If default editor wasn't changed - quit VIM via