
A GitHub action to create a comment for a commit on GitHub

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Commit Comment

CI GitHub Marketplace

A GitHub action to create a comment for a commit on GitHub.

Commit Comment Example


      - name: Create commit comment
        uses: peter-evans/commit-comment@v1
          body: |
            This is a multi-line test comment
            - With GitHub **Markdown** :sparkles:
            - Created by [commit-comment][1]

            [1]: https://github.com/peter-evans/commit-comment

Action inputs

Name Description Default
token GITHUB_TOKEN or a repo scoped PAT. GITHUB_TOKEN
repository The full name of the target repository. github.repository (current repository)
sha The commit SHA. github.sha OR, for pull_request events github.event.pull_request.head.sha
body (required) The contents of the comment.
path Relative path of the file to comment on.
position Line index in the diff to comment on.


Here is an example setting optional input parameters.

      - name: Create commit comment
        uses: peter-evans/commit-comment@v1
          sha: 843dea1cc2e721163c20a5c876b5b155f7f3aa75
          body: |
            This is a multi-line test comment
            - With GitHub **Markdown** :sparkles:
            - Created by [commit-comment][1]

            [1]: https://github.com/peter-evans/commit-comment
          path: path/to/file.txt
          position: 1

Accessing commits in other repositories

You can create a commit comment in another repository by using a PAT instead of GITHUB_TOKEN. The user associated with the PAT must have write access to the repository.
