
Pagination inspired by Spring Data's Pagination approach

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC

Pageable Library

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pageable is a bundle of utility classes used to deal with pagination inspired by Spring Data's Pagination support.




The Pageable object created from the query parameters contains two integers, page & size, an optional Sort instance, and an indexed boolean. This pageable instance should be passed to your data access layer, and its content should be used to restrict the returned data to the data specified by the pageable.


Sort is a collection of property and direction( asc or desc) pairs. Each sort instance has a forEach(callback(property,direction)) method that invokes callback for each property/direction pair in the sort


If the page or size query parameter are not specified as valid numbers, a NumberFormatError will be thrown. If the sort direction is specified as anything other than asc or desc (e.g. sort=lastName:foo) then an InvalidSortError will be thrown.


The data returned from a using this middleware should be an instance of a subclass of Page.

All Page types

All Page types contain the following properties:

Property Description
number The number of the current page (should match pageable.page)
size The number of elements requested to be included in the current page (should match pageable.size)
numberOfElements The number of elements actually returned in this page. If < size, indicates that this is the last page
totalElements Total number of elements available
totalPages Total number of pages available
sort The sort criteria (should match pageable.sort)
first True if this is the first page
last True if this is the final page

You may have noticed that the above list does not define a property containing the actual content to be returned. This is because there are multiple Page implementations which represent the actual content items in different formats.

Map Method

All Page types also provide a map(iteratee) method. This method iterates over each content item in the page and invokes iteratee with the content item as the argument, allowing easy transformation from a Page<X> to a Page<Y>. This is useful, for instance, if you wish to return a different object from your router than the type returned from your data layer.


A Page of content items represented as an array. An ArrayPage contains all of the properties above plus:

Property Description
content Array of content ordered as per pageable.sort


An IndexedPage represents the returned content as an array of ids and a corresponding index, which is a map of {id: content item}. An IndexedPage contains all of the standard page properties plus:

Property Description
ids Array of ids ordered as per pageable.sort
index Map of id to content item


An IndexablePage is a special case of Page, it internally stores its data in the same format as a ArrayPage but allows the client some level of control over the response structure. Upon serialization (i.e. invoking toJSON()) if the pageable.indexed value is set to true, the result will be serialized as an IndexedPage (else as an ArrayPage). In order to support this automatic conversion, the underlying content items must each contain an id property.

Getting Started



npm install @hallysonh/pageable


yarn add @hallysonh/pageable


Requires node >= 8.2, as pageable makes use of async/await. Flow bindings are also provided. Note: The following examples includes optional flow type annotations for clarity.

pageable is a convenient library for managing conversion of user intent (via request parameters) into a Pageable object, but it is still your responsibility to implement that intention when accessing data. You are responsible for ensuring that your data access tier properly implements the pagination and/or sorting, and for creating the Page instances to be returned. The exact approach for doing so will differ based on your chose Data Access framework.


import { Pageable, IndexedPage } from '@hallysonh/pageable';


API Documentation

Access the documentation here