Next generation Electron build tooling based on Vite
Documentation | Getting Started | create-electron
- 增加多 preload 入口支持 (处理特定场景问题)
- 当需要根据不同访问目标加载差异性的preload时, 需要使用到 vite 的多入口逻辑. 但是, 由于vite的chunk拆分逻辑, 不便于精细化的区分是否使用chunk
- 如果此时遇到了, electron 开启 sandbox 的情况, 将导致 chunk 无法被正确加载. 所以, 这里增加了多个preload入口的支持, 从CI层面, 解决禁用chunk的问题
- 增加通知事件, preload 重载时, 向主进程 (main) 发送通知.
- 解决使用webview且打开devTool在应用重载时, 会由于无法正确关闭 devTool 导致应用崩溃问题.
- ⚡️ Vite powered and use the same way.
- 🛠 Pre-configured for Electron, don't worry about configuration.
- 💡 Optimize asset handling (Node.js addons, WebAssembly, Worker Thread, etc).
- 🚀 Fast HMR for renderer processes.
- 🔥 Hot reloading for main process and preload scripts.
- 🔌 Easy to debug in IDEs like VSCode or WebStorm.
- 🔒 Compile to v8 bytecode to protect source code.
- 🏷️ Support for TypeScript decorators.
- 📦 Out-of-the-box support for TypeScript, Vue, React, Svelte, SolidJS and more.
npm i electron-vite -D
In a project where electron-vite
is installed, you can use electron-vite
binary directly with npx electron-vite
or add the npm scripts to your package.json
file like this:
"scripts": {
"start": "electron-vite preview",
"dev": "electron-vite dev",
"prebuild": "electron-vite build"
When running electron-vite
from the command line, electron-vite will automatically try to resolve a config file named electron.vite.config.js
inside project root. The most basic config file looks like this:
// electron.vite.config.js
export default {
main: {
// vite config options
preload: {
// vite config options
renderer: {
// vite config options
Clone the electron-vite-boilerplate or use the create-electron tool to scaffold your project.
npm create @quick-start/electron
Currently supported template presets include:
JavaScript | TypeScript |
vanilla | vanilla-ts |
vue | vue-ts |
react | react-ts |
svelte | svelte-ts |
solid | solid-ts |
See Contributing Guide.
MIT © alex.wei