(README from the original project below)
Move all
. -
Copy the
file in the config directory as shown below and add your key (if the local BabelNet index is available, comment outbabelnet.restfulurl
, uncommentbabelnet.dir
and add its path)cp babelnet.var.properties my.babelnet.var.properties
Copy the
file as shown below (possibly add your WordNet path if local BabelNet index are used)cp jlt.var.properties my.jlt.var.properties
Configure the project using
following the original README below).
gradle init --type java-library
And add:
dependencies {
// BabelNet related (Add External JARs)
compile fileTree(dir: 'lib', include: ['*.jar'])
// Apply the application plugin to allow for ./gradlew run
apply plugin:'application'
mainClassName = "BabelNetDemo"
mvn archetype:generate \
-DgroupId=org.babelnet \
-DartifactId=BabelNet-API \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart \
This package consists of a Java API to work with BabelNet, a very large multilingual semantic network. For more information please refer to the documentation below on how to install and run the software, as well as our website (http://babelnet.org) and Google group (http://groups.google.com/group/babelnet-group) for news, updates and papers.
This package contains the following main components:
babelnet-api-4.0.jar # Jar of the BabelNet API
CHANGELOG # changelog for the BabelNet API
config/ # configuration files
docs/ # Javadocs
lib/ # 3rd party libraries
LICENSE # BabelNet API's license
licenses/ # 3rd party libraries' licenses
README # this file
resources/ # resource files needed by the API
run-babelnetdemo.sh # shell script to test BabelNet in Linux
run-babelnetdemo.bat # shell script to test BabelNet in Windows
examples/ # Java examples source file
We assume that you have a standard installation of the Sun Java 1.8 JDK and all the associated programs (i.e., java, javac, etc.) in your path.
Currently, we provide BabelNet as a semantic network consisting of 284 languages (English, Catalan, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Afrikaans, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Welsh, Danish, Greek, Estonian, Persian, Finnish, Irish, Hebrew, Hindi, Croatian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Icelandic, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Malay, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Albanian, Serbian, Swedish, Swahili, Tagalog, Turkish, Ukranian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Esperanto, Galician, Maltese, Basque, Latin, etc.) and described in the papers below.
In order to access BabelNet RESTFul service, it is necessary to specify a valid key using the "babelnet.key" property in the config/babelnet.var.properties file. To obtain a key, please register on http://babelnet.org/register.
You are now ready to use the API. For testing purposes we provide a shell script:
Linux: run-babelnetdemo.sh, make sure that the file is
executable by running: chmod +x run-babelnetdemo.sh.
Windows: run-babelnetdemo.bat
IMPORTANT: please note that, in order to enable the log4j settings, you have to add the config folder to your classpath. For instance:
Linux: java -classpath lib/*:babelnet-api-4.0.jar:config
Windows: java -classpath lib/*;babelnet-api-4.0.jar;config
- Create your Eclipse project (File -> New -> Java project, give the project a name and press Finish). This creates a new folder with the project name projectFolder/ under your Eclipse workspace folder.
- Copy the
folders from theBabelNet-API-4.0
folder into yourworkspace/projectFolder/
- Now we need to include all the
files and thebabelnet-api-4.0.jar
file in the project build classpath:- Select the project from 'Package Explorer' tree view
- From the top bar click on 'Project' and then 'Properties'
- Once inside the 'Properties' section click on 'Java build path' and select the 'Libraries' tab
- From the right menu click on the 'Add External JARs' button
- Browse to the downloaded
folder, and select all thelib/*.jar
files along with thebabelnet-api-4.0.jar
- Next we need to include the
folder in the project build classpath:- Select the project from 'Package Explorer' tree view
- From the top bar click on 'File' and then 'Refresh'
- From the 'Java build path' (see point 3 above) select the 'Source' tab
- Once in the 'Source' tab, click on 'Add Folder' from the right sidebar and select the downloaded
- Happy coding!! ;-)
For more information consult the guide online, http://babelnet.org/guide
To start using BabelNet with the local indices, first download the compressed index and unpack it, e.g.:
NOTE: For more information about how to send a request to download the BabelNet indices, please consult the guide at: http://babelnet.org/guide (tab: key & limits). The instructions will be inserted in the guide when the indices will be downloadable. Thank you for your patience.
# unpack the archives
tar xjvf babelnet-4.0-index.tar.bz2
The BabelNet-4.0 directory now contains all the unpacked indices.
Next, tell the API where to find BabelNet by setting the "babelnet.dir" property in the config/babelnet.var.properties file. For instance, assuming you unpacked BabelNet in the "/home/your_user/BabelNet-4.0", you simply need to write the following within "config/babelnet.var.properties":
If your WordNet is not installed in the standard location (/usr/local/share/wordnet-3.0), please change the corresponding property in the config/jlt.var.properties file:
# simply put /usr/local/share/wordnet
to the prefix of your WordNet path without the -3.0
suffix. For instance,
if WordNet 3.0 is located in /opt/WordNet-3.0
, you should change the property
You are now ready to use the API with local indices.
If you want to refer to BabelNet in your scientific work, please cite this paper:
Navigli, R. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2012a): BabelNet: The Automatic Construction, Evaluation and Application of a Wide-Coverage Multilingual Semantic Network. Artificial Intelligence, 193, 217-250.
If you want to refer to the BabelNet dump, API or BabelNetXplorer (our Web-based GUI for BabelNet available at http://babelnet.org), please cite this paper:
Navigli, R. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2012b): BabelNetXplorer: A platform for multilingual lexical knowledge base access and exploration. In: Companion Volume to the Proceedings of the 21st World Wide Web Conference, Lyon, France, 16-20 April 2012, pp. 393-396.
Roberto Navigli, Sapienza University of Rome (navigli@di.uniroma1.it)
Francesco Cecconi, Babelscape srl (cecconi@babelscape.com)
Francesco Maria Elia, Babelscape srl (elia@babelscape.com)
Additional credits go to:
- Daniele Vannella for working on versions 2.x and 3.x
- Simone Paolo Ponzetto for working on versions
BabelNet and the Babelnet API are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. See the file LICENSE for details.
Please feel free to get in touch with us for any question or problem you may have using the following Google group:
BabelNet has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under grant agreement No. 259234.