The implementation of the paper "A Multi-task Approach for Named Entity Recognition on Social Media Data," which won the WNUT-2017 Shared Task.

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A Multi-task Approach for Named Entity Recognition on Social Media Data

This repository shows the implementation of the system described in the paper A Multi-task Approach for Named Entity Recognition on Social Media Data. This system achieved the first place on the 3rd Workshop on User-generated Text (W-NUT) at the EMNLP 2017 conference.

System Overview

The system uses a Multi-task Neural Network as a feature extractor. The network is composed of a B-LSTM, CNN and a dense representation. When the network is trained, we transfer the learning to a Conditional Random Fields (CRF) classifier, which we use to make the final prediction. More information can be found in the paper.

System overview

Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to
char_ortho_input (InputLayer)    (None, 20)            0
char_ortho_embed (Embedding)     (None, 20, 30)        150         char_ortho_input[0][0]
word_twitter_input (InputLayer)  (None, 3)             0
word_postag_input (InputLayer)   (None, 3)             0
char_ortho_embed_dropout (Dropou (None, 20, 30)        0           char_ortho_embed[0][0]
word_twitter_embed (Embedding)   (None, 3, 400)        6067600     word_twitter_input[0][0]
word_postag_embed (Embedding)    (None, 3, 100)        10200       word_postag_input[0][0]
gazetteers_input (InputLayer)    (None, 3)             0
conv1d_1 (Conv1D)                (None, 18, 64)        5824        char_ortho_embed_dropout[0][0]
word_twitter_embed_dropout (Drop (None, 3, 400)        0           word_twitter_embed[0][0]
word_postag_embed_dropout (Dropo (None, 3, 100)        0           word_postag_embed[0][0]
gazetteers_embed (Embedding)     (None, 3, 6)          115986      gazetteers_input[0][0]
conv1d_2 (Conv1D)                (None, 16, 64)        12352       conv1d_1[0][0]
concatenate_1 (Concatenate)      (None, 3, 500)        0           word_twitter_embed_dropout[0][0]
gazetteers_embed_dropout (Dropou (None, 3, 6)          0           gazetteers_embed[0][0]
global_average_pooling1d_1 (Glob (None, 64)            0           conv1d_2[0][0]
word_encoded_blstm (Bidirectiona (None, 200)           480800      concatenate_1[0][0]
flatten_1 (Flatten)              (None, 18)            0           gazetteers_embed_dropout[0][0]
char_ortho_encoded_dense (Dense) (None, 32)            2080        global_average_pooling1d_1[0][0]
word_encoded_blstm_dropout (Drop (None, 200)           0           word_encoded_blstm[0][0]
concat_layer (Concatenate)       (None, 250)           0           flatten_1[0][0]
common_dense_layer (Dense)       (None, 100)           25100       concat_layer[0][0]
bin_output (Dense)               (None, 1)             101         common_dense_layer[0][0]
cat_output (Dense)               (None, 13)            1313        common_dense_layer[0][0]
Total params: 6,721,506
Trainable params: 527,570
Non-trainable params: 6,193,936
Train on 62770 samples, validate on 15693 samples



  • Keras
  • Theano
  • CRF Suite



* Code and binary files are allocated under the embeddings/twitter/ directory. The binary file has to be downloaded and added manually, though

Repository Structure

|__ common/
        |__ representation.py --> functions to encode data (postags, gazetteers, etc.)
        |__ utilities.py --> general functions (read/write files, metrics, label vectorization, etc.)
|__ data/
        |__ emerging.dev.conll --> validation data in conll format  
        |__ emerging.dev.conll.preprocess.url --> validation data with URL's replaced with <URL> tag
        |__ emerging.dev.conll.preprocess.url.postag --> POS tags for the validation data
        |__ emerging.test.conll
        |__ emerging.test.conll.preprocess.url
        |__ emerging.test.conll.preprocess.url.postag
        |__ emerging.train.conll
        |__ emerging.train.conll.preprocess.url
        |__ emerging.train.conll.preprocess.url.postag
        |__ README.md --> Organizer's description of the data
|__ embeddings/
        |__ gazetteers/
                |__ one.token.check.emb --> representation of gazetteers at the word level 
        |__ twitter/
                |__ word2vec_twitter_model.bin --> Frederic Godin's word2vec model 
                |__ word2vecReader.py 
                |__ word2vecReaderUtils.py
|__ models/
        |__ crfsuite.py --> functions to train a CRF based on a NN model
        |__ network.py --> functions to build, train, and predict with a NN
|__ predictions/
        |__ eval.sh --> a wrapper of the official evaluation script
        |__ wnuteval.py --> official script for evaluation
        |__ submission2017 --> official submission of our system
|__ settings.py --> global variables such as paths and default tags 
|__ main.py --> the entire pipeline of our system


Running the evaluation script:

$ cd predictions 
$ ./eval.sh <prediction_file>




If you find the repository useful for your projects, please cite our paper as follows:

    title = {A Multi-task Approach for Named Entity Recognition on Social Media Data},
    author = {Gustavo Aguilar, Suraj Maharjan, A. Pastor López Monroy, Thamar Solorio},
    url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W17-4419},
    year = {2017},
    date = {2017-09-07},
    publisher = {Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text, WNUT 2017.},
    note = {Ranked 1st place in the two evaluation metrics},
    keywords = {CRF, Deeplearning, Multitask, NER},
    pubstate = {published},
    tppubtype = {inproceedings}