
A chatbot, but it's a root vegetable.

Primary LanguageC#

ChatBeet Docker Pulls Travis (.com) branch

Basically a chatbot, but it's also a root vegetable. Built on GravyBot and GravyIrc.

Included Commands


The most basic rule. ChatBeet will say hi back to you.

.cb hello

Example Output:

Hello, {nick}!


Look up a piece of media on AniList

.cb anime {name|id}
.cb manga {name|id}
.cb light novel {name|id}
.cb ln {name|id}
.cb ova {name|id}

Example Output:

Violet Evergarden / Violet Evergarden (ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン) - FINISHED - 84% • https://anilist.co/anime/21827


Look up an artist on Last.fm

.cb artist Fall Out Boy

Example Output:

Fall Out Boy is a band formed in 2001 in Glenview, Illinois after good friends Joe Trohman and Pete Wentz met high schooler Patrick Stump. Stump originally auditioned as a drummer, but soon became the lead singer. The following year, the band debuted with a self-released demo and followed it up with the May 28, 2002 release of Split EP, which featured Project Rocket, on Uprising Records. The group released a mini-LP, Evening Out With Your Gir

Related tags: pop punk, rock, emo, alternative, punk


Explore the depths of degeneracy on DeviantArt

.cb da Mudkips
.cb deviantart fella
.cb degenerate sonicXshadow

Example Output:

vocaloid - https://www.deviantart.com/biriisayama/art/vocaloid-309761211


Space out someone's message when it just doesn't have enough impact.

.cb kern {targetNick}

Example Output:

<carrots> W I L L U S U C C M E ?


Stash a bit of text for later. It's like defs for poor people with no op.

ChatBeet, remember {id} = {value}
.cb remember {id} = {value}

Example Output:

Got it! 👍

Previous value was kyoot, set by carrots.

ChatBeet, recall {id}

Example Output:

astolfo: kyoot

.cb whodef {id}

Example Output:

astolfo was set by carrots



.cb mock {targetNick}

Example Output:

<carrots> I NeEd hEaLtHcArE bEcAuSe I hAvE caNcEr aNd iM dYinG


Find some gourmet anime fanart

.cb pixiv {query}

Example Output:

mordred by nyungsep - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/82454601


Get a recent tweet from someone

Chatbeet, what's new from @{handle}?

Example Output:

Gavin Free at 07/10/2020 05:20:34 - A feature where you can flag songs on your phone to be used as hold music so when you get put on hold on a call, the phone detects it and you listen to that good music instead the stuff that sounds like it's playing out of a tin can stuffed down a U-bend.


Get information about best girl from AniList

.cb waifu {query}
.cb husbando {query}

Example Output:

Kouko Kaga (加賀香子) - https://s4.anilist.co/file/anilistcdn/character/large/43669.jpg

Age: 18-19 • Birth Date: July 7 • She had a perfect future planned with Mitsuo Yanagisawa as her husband, and nothing will get in her way! She has a side of her that is not violent as Mitsuo has described.

Dad Jokes

Maybe you can't revive a dead channel, but you can spam it with bad jokes

ChatBeet, tell me a dad joke.
.cb joke

Example Output:

How does the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it.

Year Progress

How long until this round of suffering ends?

.cb progress millennium
.cb progress century
.cb progress decade
.cb progress year
.cb progress month
.cb progress week
.cb progress day
.cb progress hour
.cb progress minute
.cb progress president

Example Output:

█████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░ 2020 is 53.55% complete.

Gif Search

Search for gifs on Tenor

.cb gif astolfo

Example Output:

https://media.tenor.com/images/e3dd773e44bfea58e8b10b7a12d055af/tenor.gif - Via Tenor

Sentiment Analysis

Guess how positive someone is being, for all you sociopaths out there

.cb sentiment carrots

Example Output:

carrots was slightly negative 🙁 (Positive F₁ of 0.45)


There are just never enough ways to search for waifus, are there?

.cb booru [tags]
.cb booru astolfo_(fate) happy solo white_cloak

Example Output:

https://img2.gelbooru.com/images/57/40/5740126f663e673036498f6469ac06eb.jpg - solo, gauntlets, cloak, astolfo_(fate), happy, white_cloak, fate/grand_order, fur_trim, fate_(series), hair_intakes

Gelbooru Blacklist

Some of that stuff is a little too freaky

.cb booru blacklist thick_thighs silver_hair

[thick_thighs, silver_hair] added to your blacklist.

.cb booru blacklist

Global blacklist: [eggplant, crying]

User Blacklist: [thick_thighs, silver_hair]

Use .cb booru blacklist/whitelist [tags] to manage your personal blacklist.

.cb booru whitelist thick_thighs silver_hair

[thick_thighs, silver_hair] removed from your blacklist.

High Ground


.cb jump
.cb climb

Example Output:

It's over, carrots! markov has the high ground!

Game Database

gg ez

.cb game Trails of Cold Steel

Example Output:

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (26 Sep 2013) [PC, PS3, Vita, PS4] Rated T - 81.56% • Role-playing (RPG), Adventure • More Info: https://www.igdb.com/games/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel


draw lots and compare sizes

.cb lots

Example Output:

---------- carrots

------ potato

-------------- dio

User Preferences

Personalize your ChatBeet experience

.cb set {preference} = {value}

Example Output:

Set Pronoun (Subject) to He.

Available Preferences

Preference Description Type
birthday Date of Birth DateTime
pronoun:subject Pronoun (Subject) string
pronoun:object Pronoun (Object) string
pronoun:possessive Pronoun (Possessive) string
pronoun:reflexive Pronoun (Reflexive) string
work:start Starting Time of Workday DateTime
work:end Ending Time of Workday DateTime
location:weather Default location for weather string:ZIP Code
unit:weather:temperature Units to use for temperature TemperatureUnit
unit:weather:wind Units to use for wind SpeedUnit
unit:weather:precip Units to use for precipitation LengthUnit
color:gear Color to apply to your gear in the WebUI string (Hex Color Code)

Specific Examples

Setting Times

If you live in a time zone other than the objectively best one (Eastern), you can indicate time zone for dates/times by adding an offset at the end.

.cb set work:start = 7am-05:00


Look up pronouns for a user

.cb pronouns carrots

Example Output:

Preferred pronouns for carrots: He/Him


Find out whose very special day it is

.cb birthday

Example Output:

Upcoming birthdays: Mike on October 1, Feedbag on October 4, Jane on January 23

.cb birthday carrots

Example Output:

His birthday is on August 14.


Get information about the weather

.cb weather

Example Output:

Right now in Mcconnelsville: 🌡13.94 °C 14.44 °C 13.33 °C | Humidity: 93% | 0.12 in rain in past hour | Wind: 10.29 mph N | 🌫 mist, 🌧 moderate rain

Google Search

Google, the best way to Bing something

.cb google mazda miata
.cb g astolfo fate
.cb feelinglucky oneplus

Example Output:

carrots: https://www.mazdausa.com/vehicles/mx-5-miata

Raising Suspicion

There could be impostors among us, better report that

carrots sus

Example Output:

carrots' suspicion level is now 69.

.cb suspicion carrots

Example output:

carrots' suspicion level is 69. He is maximum sus.

Previewing Links

That's sketch, click on it for me.

.cb preview www.mazda.com

Example Output:

MAZDA MOTOR CORPORATION GLOBAL WEBSITE | Global Website of Mazda Motor Corporation - brand stories, design and technology as well as company profile, IR and CSR.

You can also leave the URL off and it'll grab the first one it can find in scrollback.


Get a random goodboi

.cb doggo

Example Output:

https://cdn2.thedogapi.com/images/AcXu5OATT.jpg American Bulldog — bred for | Friendly, Assertive, Energetic, Loyal, Gentle, Confident, Dominant

Demand Sauce

You need it for... research purposes.

.cb sauce https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/21a0c5e7-82ff-45b1-860c-6c88a6100257/ddm3hwm-b548b579-4603-4750-bf12-7111f1608d5f.png

Example Output:

78.41% match on deviantArt: https://deviantart.com/view/823175014