Heroku PostgreSQL scheme fix

SQLAlchemy doesn't support postgres:// scheme for database connections.


You can’t change the heroku config; it’s set by the addon. But, you can modify the ENV var in-dyno before starting your process.

$ env DATABASE_URL=postgres://credential \
  bin/pg-env-fix --attachment DATABASE \
  printenv DATABASE_URL


The innards

Write a script, call it something like launch.py (or launch.sh or whatever — depending on your language. I’m sure you could do this with sed in bash). TBH I don’t care what you call it 😄.

This scripts job is to:

  • Read in the DATABASE_URL env var.
  • Modify it, replacing postgres with postgreql
  • Re-export it, overwriting the original.
  • Launch a command using all the rest of the input parameters.

Then you can modify your Procfile so it does something like this:

web: ./launch bundle exec puma