
Measure sorbet adoption progress

Primary LanguageRuby


Measure your progress as you adopt sorbet. I find that measuring progress keeps me motivated, which is crucial to finishing a project.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sorbet-progress'



Or install it yourself:

gem install sorbet-progress


bundle exec srb tc --metrics-file /tmp/sorbet_metrics.json
# No errors! Great job.
bundle exec sorbet_progress /tmp/sorbet_metrics.json
# SorbetProgress:
# total_signatures 	1563
# total_methods    	5267
# total_classes    	3795
# sigil_ignore     	unknown
# sigil_false      	1
# sigil_true       	12
# sigil_strong     	unknown
# Keep up the good work 👍

Not sure what the best format is. Pull requests welcome. It might be nice to have an overall percentage, for example.


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