
Goal: Create an HTTP proxy in Go which grayscales images.

The origin server should be configurable at start. Example: The proxy should accept requests for any path and attempt to request that same path from the origin. Example: Requesting a path of /osm-intl/1/0/0.png will cause the proxy to in turn make a request to Assume that most requests will be for PNG images but the server should also support JPEG. Assume that most of the response images will be paletted but non-paletted representations should also be supported. The request should fail if the origin server does not respond within 5 seconds. The image should be returned in the same format as the original image. External resources can be used to complete this, similar to how you might solve a problem in the real world. Though direct copy/pasting of external code is not within the spirit of the assessment.


Run via: go run main.go -origin=


It's not finished but I wanted to stick as close to the timeframe suggested as possible. This was a fun challenge and new for me to work with images. Obviously I would have liked to get it working as per the problem and I think I'm pretty close. Also, would have liked to get some tests written but again, wanted to keep close to the time.