
Automate sourcing or generating vendor completions

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Many modern pieces of software include completions code available through the command line (such as atuin gen-completions --shell <SHELL>), and most of them will print them so that they can be piped to source. Over time, I have captured a number of these completion commands as part of my config.fish script, but having a community-maintained version of these is better.

The configuration scripts in this repository will run the completion generation command in one of two ways, depending on whether the variable $halostatue_fish_vendor_completions_save is set or not:

  1. If not set (the default), the output of the completion generation command is piped to source (e.g., atuin gen-completions --shell fish | source).

  2. If set, the mtime on the binary and the shell file are compared (using test binary -nt completion) and the completion file is written to $XDG_DATA_HOME/fish/vendor_completions.d/<binary>.fish.

Either action will only be taken if fish is running interactively and the command and any prerequisites (such as register-python-argcomplete for several Python programs‡) are present in $PATH at the time of execution. They will also only be taken only if the command is newer than any completion file that may be found in the vendor directories $fish_complete_path. That way, if you have fd installed from MacPorts or Homebrew and vendor_completions.d/fd.fish exists and is not older than fd, a new version will not be saved or sourced.

I personally prefer the default method, since I no longer have to worry about whether there are completions for programs I have uninstalled. The option exists because the use of vendor_completions.d allows for lazy completion loading.

The initial implementation here is an all-or-nothing approach. It may be possible to make $halostatue_fish_vendor_completions_save contain a list of completions that should be saved, or use a separate variable for that. This would allow for staged conversion.

‡ The example provided is somewhat incomplete. There is a bit more work done if there are Python programs as register-python-argcomplete might actually be called register-python-argcomplete3.11 by a package manager (MacPorts, in this case).


Install with Fisher (recommended):

fisher install halostatue/fish-vendor-completions@v1.x
Not using a package manager?

Copy functions/*.fish to your fish configuration directory preserving the directory structure.

System Requirements
