OpenVR bindings for Minecraft, loaded with the Fabric Mod Loader.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


A helper library for implementing Steam's OpenVR API in Minecraft.

Minecraft Version


Use JITPack to get the latest version of this with Gradle.

If no version is available, use the latest commit hash in place of <version>.

GitHub release (latest SemVer)

repositories {
	maven {
		name "HalfOf2" // Needed for GrossFabricHacks (native entrypoint)
		url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Devan-Kerman/Devan-Repo/master/"
    maven {
        name = "JITPack"
        url = "https://jitpack.io"

dependencies {

Last Resort

If that doesn't work, clone the repo and publish it to maven local.
Information about that can be found below.

If you do it this way, you need to change your Gradle config to load the dependency from com.halotroop instead of com.github.halotroop2288 and use the correct versioning (<mod version>+openVR<OpenVR version>-<MC version>)

dependencies {

Cloning this repo

Clone this repository recursively to download the included version of OpenVR. It may take quite some time to download, please be patient. The library is required.

Alternatively, you could download the DLLs and place them in the correct places, but I will provide no support for this method.

After cloning the repo, open it in your favourite IDE, generate runs, and add this to your VM arguments:

-Djna.library.path=<Path to MCOpenVR Workspace>/openvr/bin/<PLATFORM>



This mod and its source code are released under version 3 of the Lesser GNU Public Licence.
For more information, see LICENSE.


OpenVR is Copyright (c) 2015, Valve Corporation. All rights reserved.
Redistribution of the OpenVR API library or its source code requires a full copy of the provided license to be included.
For more information, see LICENSE.OPENVR.