
Miscellaneous small Python projects

Primary LanguagePython


Miscellaneous small Python projects

Tec_md5.py - A POC for the hashing of inputs when loging into a Technicolour Router (In HTTP)

md5.py - Tests you how long it would take to MD5 hash a word X amount of times (single core)

pdkdf2_sha254.py - Tests you how long it would take to pdkdf2_sha254 hash a word X amount of times (single core)

Time.py - Tests how many times you can MD5 hash in a set amount of time (Single Core)(CPU wastefull and inaccuracte)

Tec_md5_crack.py - Password cracker for Technicolor TG582n router (Initial Tests)

Tec_md5_crack_par.py - same as above but using multiple cores (Initial Tests)