
Create a new GitHub release if package.json version does not exist as a release.


The release will have the name as the package.json version, and use the workflow commit sha as the base for the release.

Use the action inside your workflow yaml file like this:

- name: Create Release
  id: release
  uses: halvardssm/github-action-tag-release@v1
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    path: "./package.json" # optional, will use ./package.json by default
- run: |
    echo 'Release created: ${{steps.version.outputs.release_created}}' # 'true' or 'false'
    echo 'Release exists: ${{steps.version.outputs.release_exists}}' # 'true' or 'false'
    echo 'Release tag: ${{steps.version.outputs.release_tag}}' # The tag from package.json
- if: ${{steps.release.outputs.release_exists == 'true'}}
  run: |