
University project to track periodic habits and their completion

Primary LanguagePython

Habit Tracker

Installation and Usage

First time install

  1. Clone repository
  2. Go into the repository and run python3 -m venv env (if python3 is not found, you might have to use python or verify your Python installation)

Start and setup the virtual environment

  1. Run source env/bin/activate to start the virtual environment
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies

Seed example data

  1. Run python src/db_seed.py

This will seed the database with 5 habits and their tasks with past tasks completed.

Remove data

Delete the file called database.db.

Starting the app

  1. In one terminal window (don't forget to set up virtual env), run python3 src/main.py, dont close this terminal and simply leave it in the background. You can provide the argument --port to override the port (default 5000).
  2. In a new terminal window (don't forget to set up virtual env), run python3 src/cli.py [command] with the arguments required
  3. Repeat 2 as needeed
  4. Once done, close the terminals


To run the tests:

  1. Start the backend python3 src/main.py
  2. In a new terminal window, run python -m unittest discover -s src


For formatting we use black.

Run black src

When adding dependencies

When adding dependencies, always make sure you are using the virtual environment source env/bin/activate.

  1. Add dependency to requirements.txt
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependency

CLI Usage

You can use -h to display help for the CLI.

Here are the different sub commands:

    habits:create       Create a new habit
    habits:list         List habits with filters
    habits:update       Update a habit
    habits:delete       Delete a habit
    tasks:list          List tasks
    tasks:active        List tasks that are active and can be completed
    tasks:complete      Complete a task
    analytics           Query analytics. You can already get a lot of information using the list commands, but this is a
                        central analytics helper.


Habit Create

python src/cli.py habits:create --name test --description "test description" --interval P1D --lifetime P2D --active true --start 2023-10-24T08:00:00 --end 2024-12-27T22:00:00

Habit List

python src/cli.py habits:list --id *in(2,3) --name test --description test --interval P1D --lifetime P2D --active true --start <2023-10-24T08:00:00 --end >2024-12-27T22:00:00

Habit Update

python src/cli.py habits:update --id 1 --name test --description "test description" --interval P1D --lifetime P2D --active true --start 2023-10-24T08:00:00 --end 2024-12-27T22:00:00

Habit Delete

python src/cli.py habits:delete --id 1

Task List

python src/cli.py tasks:list --habit_id 2 --completed true --start 2023-10-24T08:00:00 --end 2024-12-27T22:00:00

Task Active

python src/cli.py tasks:active

Task Complete

python src/cli.py tasks:complete --id 336


In the case of analytics, there is an endpoint that will wrap around the existing commands and also provides some more.


List current Habits

python src/cli.py analytics list_current_habits

List current Habits and filter by interval

python src/cli.py analytics list_current_habits --interval P1D

List longest streaks

python src/cli.py analytics list_longest_streaks 

List longest streaks and filter by habit id

python src/cli.py analytics list_longest_streaks --habit_id 1

List longest streaks greater than 5

python src/cli.py analytics list_longest_streaks --streak >5

Get longest streak

python src/cli.py analytics get_longest_streak

Get longest streak and filter by habit id

python src/cli.py analytics get_longest_streak --habit_id 1