- Combinatorics
- Bell Number
- Stirling Number
- Iterate SubSet
- Permutation
- Data Structures
- Fenwick trees
- FenwickTree(Point Add, Range Sum)
- FenwickRange(Range Add, Range Sum)
- Persistent version
- PersistentArray
- PersistentSegmentTree
- PersistentStack
- Segment trees
- SegmtntTreePURMQ(Point Update, Range Minimum Query)
- SegmtntTreeRARMQ(Range Add, Range Minimum Query)
- SegmtntTreeRARMQWithIndex(Range Add, Range Minimum Query With Index)
- SegmtntTreeRURSQ(Range Update, Range Sum Query)
- Fenwick trees
- Geometry
- ClosestPoint
- ConvexHull
- Graphs
- Network-flow algorithms
- Hungarian
- Matching(Edmonds cardinality matching algorithm)
- MaxFlowDinic
- MaxFlowFord(Ford-Fulkerson algorithm)
- MinCostFlow
- Shortest-path algorithms
- Dijkstra
- WarshallFloyd
- ZeroOneBFS(0-1 BFS)
- Tree algorithms
- EulerTour
- HeavyLightDecomposition
- LCA(Lowest Common Ancestor)
- LCASparseTable(Lowest Common Ancestor using Sparse table)
- ParentCountOrder(computes parent, subtree size, and dfs order for each vertex on specific root)
- TreeLCAQuery(?)
- BatchedDynamicConnectivity
- CenteroidDecomposition
- DirectedGraph(mutable graph for memory-saving)
- EulerianPath
- LowLink
- MinimumSpanningArborescence
- MinimumSteinerTree
- SAT2(2-sat)
- SCC1(Decompose directed graph into Strongly connected components)
- SCC2(Decompose undirected graphs into component-bridge based tree)
- SCC3(Decompose graph edges into components such that each component doesn't contain an articulation point)
- TopologicalSort1
- TopologicalSort2(Topological Sort with lexical smallest order. (Kahn's algorithm))
- Network-flow algorithms
- Strings
- ErrorFunction(largest S < idx s.t. [0,S) == [idx-S, idx))
- Manachar
- PrefixAutomaton
- RollingHash
- SuffixArray
- ZFunction(longest common prefix of ([idx,n), [0,n) for each idx)
- Utils
- I/O
- GraphBuilder
- InputReader
- Random
- XorShift
- BitVector
- ConvexHullTechMax
- ConvexHullTechMin
- CountRangeCoveringRange
- CountRangeCoveringRangeAnother
- CountRangeCoveringRangeOnlinePersistent
- CountRangeCoveringRangeOnlineWavelet
- Dice
- DistinctNumberRange(counts distinct number for given range)
- DistinctNumberRange1
- DistinctNumberRange2
- FastFourierTransformation
- MeldableSegment
- RangeSegment
- SlideMinValue
- StockSpan
- I/O
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