A Clojure wrapper around java.lang.ProcessBuilder
Status: alpha, WIP, still in development, breaking changes will be made.
This code may end up in babashka but is also intended as a JVM library. You can play with this code in babashka today, by either copying the code or including this library as a git dep:
$ export BABASHKA_CLASSPATH=$(clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {babashka/babashka.process {:sha "6c348b5213c0c77ebbdfcf2f5da71da04afee377" :git/url "https://github.com/babashka/babashka.process"}}}' -Spath)
$ bb -e "(require '[babashka.process :refer [process]]) (process [\"ls\"])"
Use any later SHA at your convenience.
user=> (require '[babashka.process :refer [process]])
Invoke ls
user=> (-> (process ["ls"]) :out)
Invoke ls
for different directory than current directory:
user=> (-> (process ["ls"] {:dir "test/babashka"}) :out)
Set the process environment.
user=> (-> (process ["sh" "-c" "echo $FOO"] {:env {:FOO "BAR" }}) :out)
Output as stream:
user=> (-> (process ["ls"] {:out :stream}) :out slurp)
Exit code:
user=> (-> (process ["ls" "foo"]) :exit)
By default, process
throws when the exit code is non-zero:
user=> (process ["ls" "foo"])
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at babashka.process/process (process.clj:54).
ls: foo: No such file or directory
Prevent throwing:
user=> (-> (process ["ls" "foo"] {:throw false}) :exit)
Capture the error output as a string or stream:
user=> (-> (process ["ls" "foo"] {:throw false}) :err)
"ls: foo: No such file or directory\n"
user=> (-> (process ["ls" "foo"] {:throw false :err :stream}) :err slurp)
"ls: foo: No such file or directory\n"
When :wait
is set false
, the exit code is wrapped in a future:
user=> (-> (process ["ls" "foo"] {:throw false :wait false}) :exit deref)
Redirect output to stdout:
user=> (do (process ["ls"] {:out :inherit}) nil)
LICENSE README.md deps.edn src test
Redirect output stream from one process to input stream of the next process:
(let [is (-> (process ["ls"] {:out :stream}) :out)]
(process ["cat"] {:in is
:out :inherit})
Both :in
and :out
may contain objects that are compatible with clojure.java.io/copy
user=> (with-out-str (process ["cat"] {:in "foo" :out *out*}))
user=> (with-out-str (process ["ls"] {:out *out*}))
Forwarding the output of a process as the input of another process can also be done with thread-first:
(-> (process ["ls"])
(process ["grep" "README"]) :out)
Copyright © 2020 Michiel Borkent
Distributed under the EPL License. See LICENSE.