Command line utility to build, watch and set your broccoli environment. This project was inspired by broccoli-timepiece
. CLExt bundle a hot css replacement (No refresh);
npm install -g broccoli-clext
broccoli-clext help
broccoli-clext build
broccoli-clext build destination
broccoli-clext build destination --environment=(development|production)
broccoli-clext build --output=destination --environment=(development|production) --once
broccoli-clext build --clean
broccoli-clext build --no-watchman
broccoli-clext build --exclude 'dir1/**' --exclude 'dir2/**'
Watching for changes is the default behavior and broccoli-clext uses broccoli-sane-watcher
to do that.
Options :
--once if you only want to disable the watch feature.
--no-watchman do disable wathcman and use
--clean to use rimraf. If not used, files are merged.
--hot-css (experimental and not fully implemented). You need to import lib/hot-css-client.js into your project or html file.
--hot-css-port=1234 to define hot css port
Every time you modify a style file (css, sass, less...), hot-css will tell the browser to reload the linked css stylesheet. If Build failed, the browser will display the error message.
Launch Clext with --hot-css argument. It will generate a hot-css-client.js
file in your build folder.
Include <script src="destFolder/hot-css-client.js"></script>
in your page to enable css hot replacement.
Et voilĂ !
- code refactoring
- added --hot-css-port option
- now a hot-css-client.js file is generated in your destination folder
- Default destination to './dist'
- --exclude option. Uses glob syntax (ex : dir/**/*)
This project is distributed under the MIT license.