
Broccoli - Command line application to build, watch (live rebuild) and set broccoli environment.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Broccoli CLExt

Command line utility to build, watch and set your broccoli environment. This project was inspired by broccoli-timepiece. CLExt bundle a hot css replacement (No refresh);


npm install -g broccoli-clext
broccoli-clext help
broccoli-clext build
broccoli-clext build destination
broccoli-clext build destination --environment=(development|production)
broccoli-clext build --output=destination --environment=(development|production) --once
broccoli-clext build --clean
broccoli-clext build --no-watchman
broccoli-clext build --exclude 'dir1/**' --exclude 'dir2/**'

Watching for changes is the default behavior and broccoli-clext uses broccoli-sane-watcher to do that.

Options :

--once if you only want to disable the watch feature.

--no-watchman do disable wathcman and use fs.watch.

--clean to use rimraf. If not used, files are merged.

--hot-css (experimental and not fully implemented). You need to import lib/hot-css-client.js into your project or html file.

--hot-css-port=1234 to define hot css port


Every time you modify a style file (css, sass, less...), hot-css will tell the browser to reload the linked css stylesheet. If Build failed, the browser will display the error message.

HotCSS Usage :

Launch Clext with --hot-css argument. It will generate a hot-css-client.js file in your build folder. Include <script src="destFolder/hot-css-client.js"></script> in your page to enable css hot replacement. Et voilĂ  !


  • code refactoring
  • added --hot-css-port option
  • now a hot-css-client.js file is generated in your destination folder


  • Default destination to './dist'
  • --exclude option. Uses glob syntax (ex : dir/**/*)


This project is distributed under the MIT license.