
A conformant OpenGL ES implementation for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Additional info for hamarb123:

Latest stable Google Chrome chromium build branch can be found here

Download depot_tools from here

To set up powershell building, do the following:

$Env:PATH = "<path to depot_tools>;"+$Env:PATH
python scripts/bootstrap.py
gclient sync
cmd /c mklink /D out "<path to out directory>"
gn args out/Debug_x86 && gn args out/Checked_x86 && gn args out/Release_x86 && gn args out/Debug_x64 && gn args out/Checked_x64 && gn args out/Release_x64 && gn args out/Debug_arm64 && gn args out/Checked_arm64 && gn args out/Release_arm64

Can set up VS solutions with: gn gen out/Debug_x86 --sln=angle --ide=vs2022 && gn gen out/Checked_x86 --sln=angle --ide=vs2022 && gn gen out/Release_x86 --sln=angle --ide=vs2022 && gn gen out/Debug_x64 --sln=angle --ide=vs2022 && gn gen out/Checked_x64 --sln=angle --ide=vs2022 && gn gen out/Release_x64 --sln=angle --ide=vs2022 && gn gen out/Debug_arm64 --sln=angle --ide=vs2022 && gn gen out/Checked_arm64 --sln=angle --ide=vs2022 && gn gen out/Release_arm64 --sln=angle --ide=vs2022

Can build all configs like so: autoninja -C out/Debug_x86 && autoninja -C out/Checked_x86 && autoninja -C out/Release_x86 && autoninja -C out/Debug_x64 && autoninja -C out/Checked_x64 && autoninja -C out/Release_x64 && autoninja -C out/Debug_arm64 && autoninja -c out/Checked_arm64 && autoninja -C out/Release_arm64 && .\make_win_files.ps1

How to move from one chromium feature branch base to another

To move from 4692 to 4951:

Run git fetch upstream chromium/4692 chromium/4951

Run git log upstream/chromium/4951..upstream/chromium/4692 --oneline


a254f5c62 (upstream/chromium/4692) M97: Vulkan: Fix incorrect bit test when mipmapping
907d22344 [M97] Vulkan: Fix the UAF issue with BufferData
9272f74e2 M97: D3D11: Fix OOB access in vertex conversion code.
7ccfe9ae7 M97: Validate SamplerFormat
f4e66c4ba M97: Vulkan: Fix deferred flush vs UtilsVk

Run git revert 9272f74e2 7ccfe9ae7 f4e66c4ba ... with the commits above, in the order above, starting with the commit it is based off

Run git merge upstream/chromium/4951

To verify, run git diff upstream/chromium/4951..hamarb123-main

This should allow conflict-less merging & keep history intact.

Recommended build settings:

# Build arguments go here.
# See "gn args <out_dir> --list" for available build arguments.
is_component_build = false
target_cpu = "x86"
is_clang = true
is_debug = true
is_official_build = false
angle_enable_null = true

or target_cpu = "x64" / target_cpu = "arm64" for those processors

or is_debug = false for Checked/Release mode

or is_official_build = true for Release mode

is_component_build = false allows only needing to distribute libEGL.dll, libGLESv2.dll, and (for < Win 8.1) d3dcompiler_47.dll

Windows fixes, modification to build/compute_build_timestamp.py:

-    if os.name == 'nt':
+    if os.name == 'nt_NEVER':

Windows and macOS fixes, modification to build/config/compiler/pgo/pgo.gni:

-    chrome_pgo_phase = 2
+    chrome_pgo_phase = 0

Windows fixes, modification to third_party/VK-GL-CTS/src/framework/opengl/wrapper/glwTypes.inl:

 typedef void				GLvoid;
-#if (DE_OS == DE_OS_WIN32 && DE_CPU == DE_CPU_X86_64)
+#if (DE_OS == DE_OS_WIN32 && (DE_CPU == DE_CPU_X86_64 || defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(__aarch64__)))
 	typedef signed long long int	GLintptr;
 	typedef signed long long int	GLsizeiptr;

Windows fixes, modification to third_party\libpng\BUILD.gn:

     defines = [ "PNG_INTEL_SSE_OPT=1" ]
   } else if (target_cpu == "arm" || target_cpu == "arm64") {
-    sources += [
-      "src/arm/arm_init.c",
-      "src/arm/filter_neon_intrinsics.c",
-      "src/arm/palette_neon_intrinsics.c",
-    ]
     defines = [
-      "PNG_ARM_NEON_OPT=2",
+      "PNG_ARM_NEON_OPT=0",

UWP fixes, modification to src/common/platform.h:

+#    include "winapifamily.h"
 #    include <intrin.h>

 #        define ANGLE_ENABLE_WINDOWS_UWP 1
 #    endif

Note - To build UWP on Windows:


target_os = "winuwp"
is_clang = false

macOS additional info

To set up building:

python scripts/bootstrap.py
gclient sync
gn args out/Debug_x64 && gn args out/Checked_x64 && gn args out/Release_x64 && gn args out/Debug_arm64 && gn args out/Checked_arm64 && gn args out/Release_arm64

Can build all configs like so: autoninja -C out/Debug_x64 && autoninja -C out/Checked_x64 && autoninja -C out/Release_x64 && autoninja -C out/Debug_arm64 && autoninja -C out/Checked_arm64 && autoninja -C out/Release_arm64 && ./make_mac_files.command

ANGLE - Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine

The goal of ANGLE is to allow users of multiple operating systems to seamlessly run WebGL and other OpenGL ES content by translating OpenGL ES API calls to one of the hardware-supported APIs available for that platform. ANGLE currently provides translation from OpenGL ES 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 to Vulkan, desktop OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Direct3D 9, and Direct3D 11. Future plans include ES 3.2, translation to Metal and MacOS, Chrome OS, and Fuchsia support.

Level of OpenGL ES support via backing renderers

Direct3D 9 Direct3D 11 Desktop GL GL ES Vulkan Metal
OpenGL ES 2.0 complete complete complete complete complete complete
OpenGL ES 3.0 complete complete complete complete complete
OpenGL ES 3.1 incomplete complete complete complete
OpenGL ES 3.2 in progress in progress complete

Additionally, OpenGL ES 1.1 is implemented in the front-end using OpenGL ES 3.0 features. This version of the specification is thus supported on all platforms specified above that support OpenGL ES 3.0 with known issues.

Platform support via backing renderers

Direct3D 9 Direct3D 11 Desktop GL GL ES Vulkan Metal
Windows complete complete complete complete complete
Linux complete complete
Mac OS X complete complete [1]
iOS complete [2]
Chrome OS complete planned
Android complete complete
GGP (Stadia) complete
Fuchsia complete

[1] Metal is supported on macOS 10.14+

[2] Metal is supported on iOS 12+

ANGLE v1.0.772 was certified compliant by passing the OpenGL ES 2.0.3 conformance tests in October 2011.

ANGLE has received the following certifications with the Vulkan backend:

  • OpenGL ES 2.0: ANGLE 2.1.0.d46e2fb1e341 (Nov, 2019)
  • OpenGL ES 3.0: ANGLE 2.1.0.f18ff947360d (Feb, 2020)
  • OpenGL ES 3.1: ANGLE 2.1.0.f5dace0f1e57 (Jul, 2020)
  • OpenGL ES 3.2: ANGLE (Sept, 2023)

ANGLE also provides an implementation of the EGL 1.5 specification.

ANGLE is used as the default WebGL backend for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on Windows platforms. Chrome uses ANGLE for all graphics rendering on Windows, including the accelerated Canvas2D implementation and the Native Client sandbox environment.

Portions of the ANGLE shader compiler are used as a shader validator and translator by WebGL implementations across multiple platforms. It is used on Mac OS X, Linux, and in mobile variants of the browsers. Having one shader validator helps to ensure that a consistent set of GLSL ES shaders are accepted across browsers and platforms. The shader translator can be used to translate shaders to other shading languages, and to optionally apply shader modifications to work around bugs or quirks in the native graphics drivers. The translator targets Desktop GLSL, Vulkan GLSL, Direct3D HLSL, and even ESSL for native GLES2 platforms.


ANGLE repository is hosted by Chromium project and can be browsed online or cloned with

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle


View the Dev setup instructions.
