
Benchmark HTTP server by replaying logs

Primary LanguagePython

Benchmark HTTP server by replaying logs

Very simple and straightforward script for messuring http server capabilities by replaying log files.


usage: replay.py [-h] -a ADDRESS -f FILE -r REQUESTS [-c CONCURRENCY]
				 [-t TIMEOUT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
						HTTP server address
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Log file location
  -r REQUESTS, --requests REQUESTS
						Number of requests
						Number of concurrent requests
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
						Request timeout in seconds

	python replay.py -a http://localhost:5000 -f access.log -r 10000 -c 4

Report example:

requests 10000
ok       10000
error    0

Total time: 33.95 sec
Requests per second: 295.0

Response times:
mean:	13.5ms
10%	8.7ms
20%	9.4ms
30%	10.0ms
40%	10.7ms
50%	11.5ms
60%	12.5ms
70%	13.8ms
80%	15.9ms
90%	19.3ms
100%	619.5ms

Log file format: - - [22/Feb/2013:20:15:58 +0000] "GET /path/?parameter=nice HTTP/1.1" 200 26 "http://example.com/referrer" "User Agent String"

Known issues:

Supports only GET requests.