
This script helps you to automate Satellite 6 configuration and OS deployment with any orchestration tool (e.g. VMWare Orchestrator)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This script helps you to automate host provisioning via Satellite 6 with any orchestration tool (e.g. VMWare Orchestrator) of your choice. It also creates hostgroups in Red Hat IPA server according to your Satellite 6 hostgroups as well as an appropriate Red Hat IPA automember rule. Furthermore it creates Satellite 6 host entries with max. 3 NIC`s:

  1. Nic: this is the primary NIC whis is connected to the public network
  2. Nic: is for inguest NFS storage which is connected to the storage LAN
  3. Nic: is for Oracle databases which uses a dedicated network for replication purposes

On IPA you need a service user which you will use wihtin this script to interact with IPA command line. This user needs sufficient rights in IPA to create host groups and add automember rules.

#About this script

  • Author: Frank Reimer
  • Version: 1.1
  • Creation Date: 2016-06-23

Table of content


This script

  • creates a Satellite host entry with max. three nic`s
  • creates Satellite hostgroups as follows:

If you pass the option "--application" to the script it creates child hostgroups as follows:

hg-application ==> hg-<application> ==> hg-<application>-<lifecycle-environment>-<trange>

If you pass the option "--infrastructure" to the script it creates child hostgroups as follows:

hg-infrastructure ==> hg-<application> ==> hg-<application>-<lifecycle-environment>-<trange>
  • creates Satellite subnets according to your host`s network information you pass to this script (if not already present)
  • downloads host iso images for provisioning to a mounted NFS volume on Satellite
  • creates Red Hat IPA hostgroups according to your Satellite hosthgroups as follows:
  • creates Red Hat IPA hostgroup automember rule and assings the Satellite host automatically to the Red Hat IPA hostgroup as follows:
  • creates custom host partitioning table and uploads it to Satellite. Furthermore it assigns the parttition table to your host and to the default operating system defined in this script.


1. Package installations

Install the following package on a host which has a connection to Satellite and IPA which you want to use for automation purposes:

For Satellite 6.1*:

yum install -y ipa-admintools rubygem-hammer_cli_csv rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_bootdisk rubygem-hammer_cli_gutterball rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman_tasks rubygem-hammer_cli_katello rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman rubygem-hammer_cli

For Satellite 6.2*:

yum install -y ipa-admintools tfm-rubygem-hammer_cli*

2. Create IPA automation service user on IPA server

  • Login as an IPA admin user:
kinit admin
  • Create a service user and a group. Afterwards assign the group to the user:
ipa user-add --first="IPA Automation" --last="Service user" --displayname="svc-ipa-automation" --random svc-ipa-automation
ipa group-add kn-satellite-automation --desc "This group is used for all Satellite automation purposes."
ipa group-add-member kn-satellite-automation --users svc-satellite-automation
  • Now create a password policy for the Satellite automation user group where your service user is a member of which ensures that the user password never expires:
ipa pwpolicy-add kn-satellite-automation --maxlife=20000 --minlength=8 --priority 10
  • Get Kerberos keytab for user "svc-ipa-automation":
ipa-getkeytab -s <ipa-server-name> -p svc-ipa-automation -k svc-ipa-automation.keytab
  • Configure permission to create automember rules:
ipa permission-add "System Add Automember Rule" --bindtype=permission --right=read --right=search --right=compare --right=write --right=add --attr=automemberexclusiveregex --attr=automemberinclusiveregex --attr=automembertargetgroup --attr=cn --attr=createtimestamp --attr=description --attr=entryusn --attr=modifytimestamp --attr=objectclass --type=automember

  • Create privilege:
ipa privilege-add "Automember Create Rule"
  • Add permission to privilege:
ipa privilege-add-permission "Automember Create Rule" --permission="System Add Automember Rule"
  • Create Role:
ipa role-add "IPA Automation"
  • Add privileges to role:
ipa role-add-privilege "IPA Automation" --privileges="Automember Readers" --privileges="Host Group Administrators"  --privileges="Automember Create Rule"
  • Assign role to user:
ipa role-add-member "IPA Automation" --users="svc-ipa-automation"

3. Create Satellite automation service user on IPA server

  • Create the service user:
ipa user-add --first="Satellite Automation" --last="Service user" --displayname="svc-satellite-automation" --password svc-satellite-automation
  • Create HBAC rule:
ipa hbacrule-add allow_svc-satellite-automation_on_satellite --servicecat=all
  • Assign user to HBAC rule:
ipa hbacrule-add-user allow_svc-satellite-automation_on_satellite --users=svc-satellite-automation
  • Assign Satellite host to HBAC rule:
ipa hbacrule-add-host allow_svc-satellite-automation_on_satellite --hosts=<your-satellite-server>

4. On Satellite

  • Install IPA client on Satellite 6 server and configure it accordingly to authenticate your Satellite 6 server against IPA server
  • Install IPA admin tools:
yum install ipa-admintools
  • As root switch to your Satellite automation service user and create a passwordless SSH key pair:
su - svc-satellite-automation
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  • As your Satellite automation service user upload the SSH public key to IPA. Please change your password if this is your first login attempt after you created the user:
[svc-satellite-automation@satellite ~]$ kinit 
Password for svc-satellite-automation@<YOUR-IPA-REALM>: 
Password expired.  You must change it now.
Enter new password: 
Enter it again: 

ipa user-mod svc-satellite-automation --sshpubkey="<insert the content of your Satellite automation service user SSH pub key you`ve created before>"
  • Login as root to Satellite via SSH and create the file "~/.hammer/cli_config.yml" with the following content:
        :host: 'https://<your-satellite-server>'
        :username: '<satellite-admin-user>'
        :password: '<satellite-admin-password>'

Please replace the variable names according to your setup.

  • Create a local Satellite user with the same name as the IPA managed Satellite service user:
hammer user create --firstname "Satellite Automation" --lastname "Service user" --login svc-satellite-automation --auth-source-id 1 --mail <user-email> --password <secret-password> --organizations <your-organizations> --locations <your-locations>
  • Now create and assign appropriate role for your Satellite automation service user via hammer:
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Subnets"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Hostgroups"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Hosts"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Locations"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Organizations"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Medium"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Architecture"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Bootdisk"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Lifecycle Environment"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Environment"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation ActivationKey"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Realm"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Operatingsystem"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation ForemanTask"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Contentview"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Domain"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation SmartProxy"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation ComputeResource"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Partition tables"
hammer role create --name "Satellite automation Repository sync"

hammer filter create --permissions view_subnets,create_subnets,edit_subnets --organizations <your-organizations> --locations <your-locations> --role "Satellite automation Subnets"
hammer filter create --permissions view_hostgroups,create_hostgroups,edit_hostgroups --organizations <your-organizations> --locations <your-locations> --role "Satellite automation Hostgroups"
hammer filter create --permissions build_hosts,destroy_hosts,edit_hosts,create_hosts,view_hosts --role "Satellite automation Hosts"
hammer filter create --permissions view_locations,assign_locations --role "Satellite automation Locations"
hammer filter create --permissions view_organizations,assign_organizations --role "Satellite automation Organizations"
hammer filter create --permissions view_media --organizations <your-organizations> --locations <your-locations> --role "Satellite automation Medium"
hammer filter create --permissions view_architectures --role "Satellite automation Architecture"
hammer filter create --permissions download_bootdisk --role "Satellite automation Bootdisk"
hammer filter create --permissions view_lifecycle_environments,promote_or_remove_content_views_to_environments --role "Satellite automation Lifecycle Environment"
hammer filter create --permissions view_environments --organizations <your-organizations> --locations <your-locations> --role "Satellite automation Environment"
hammer filter create --permissions view_activation_keys --role "Satellite automation ActivationKey"
hammer filter create --permissions view_realms --organizations <your-organizations> --locations <your-locations> --role "Satellite automation Realm"
hammer filter create --permissions view_operatingsystems --role "Satellite automation Operatingsystem"
hammer filter create --permissions view_foreman_tasks --role "Satellite automation ForemanTask"
hammer filter create --permissions view_content_views,publish_content_views,promote_or_remove_content_views,edit_content_views --role "Satellite automation Contentview"
hammer filter create --permissions view_domains --role "Satellite automation Domain"
hammer filter create --permissions view_smart_proxies,view_smart_proxies_autosign --role "Satellite automation SmartProxy"
hammer filter create --permissions view_compute_resources,view_compute_resources_vms --role "Satellite automation Domain"
hammer filter create --permissions view_ptables,create_ptables,edit_ptables,destroy_ptables --role "Satellite automation Partition tables"
hammer filter create --permissions sync_products,view_products --role "Satellite automation Repository sync"

hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Subnets"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Hostgroups"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Hosts"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Locations"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Organizations"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Medium"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Architecture"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Bootdisk"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Lifecycle Environment"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Environment"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation ActivationKey"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Realm"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Operatingsystem"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation ForemanTask"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Contentview"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Domain"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation SmartProxy"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Domain"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Partition tables"
hammer user add-role --login svc-satellite-automation --role "Satellite automation Repository sync"

Please replace the variable names according to your setup.

  • Create parent hostgroups for applications as well as infrastructure services:
hammer hostgroup create --name hg-application --organizations <your-organization>
hammer hostgroup create --name hg-infrastructure --organizations <your-organization>

Please replace the variable names according to your setup.

  • Login as a Satellite admin user to the Satellite web-ui and assign your Puppet classes or Puppet configuration groups (according to your configuration standard or SOE - Standard Operating Environment) to both hostgroups. Furthermore you should set your default root password for host provisioning in Satellite web-ui here:
Administer -> Settings -> Provisioning -> root_pass
  • Furthermore you need to create a default Operating System entry as well as a default Activation Key in Satellite which you use in this script for host provisioning.
  • Login as svc-satellite-automation to Satellite via SSH and create the file "~/.hammer/cli_config.yml" with the following content:
        :host: 'https://<your-satellite-server>'
        :username: '<satellite-automation-service-user>'
        :password: '<satellite-automation-service-user-password>'

Please replace the variable names according to your setup.

  • Copy the Kerberos keytab "svc-ipa-automation.keytab" you created in chapter 1. to svc-satellite-automation home directory.

5. Change hardcoded variables in this script according to your needs

  • Open the script and search for "# Change this variable".
  • Change all variables according to your needs or create an option for this variable to pass by this script as an argument.