HH.js Talk Proposals

If you would like to give a talk at HH.js, thank you very much! We really appreciate your willingness to put your time and effort into something that will make our meetup more interesting and inspiring.


If you want to give a feature talk (length: 20 minutes to maximum of 45 minutes), please click here to open an issue.
If you want to give a lightning talk (length: 5 minutes to maximum of 15 minutes), please click here to open an issue.

In that issue, we ask you to outline the topic of your talk and to pick a couple of possible dates (usually one of the upcoming events, it didn't work out too well to collect possible talks in advance for events not yet scheduled).

Upcoming Meetups

  • December 12, 2023 at Factorial. Call for proposal is officially opened šŸ„³


If you would like to get in touch before actually submitting a talk, you are also welcome, of course. Please use our Meetup page, join our #hhjs group in the open WebHH Slack or ping us on Twitter.


Code of Conduct

Please note that HH.js is committed to comply with the Berlin Code of Conduct - of course, this also applies to your talk.