- 1
- 3
Please add a .gitattributes file
#43 opened - 6
PHP Fatal error setUp()
#79 opened by LocalHeroPro - 0
Consider adding namespaced standalone functions
#80 opened by kostislav - 8
Error when attempting to upgrade to PHP8
#78 opened by alexrivadeneira - 4
Add FileMatchers
#71 opened by vasekbrychta - 1
Error: risky test
#62 opened by doctor-beat - 1
composer installation fails -> GitHub API limit (0 calls/hr) is exhausted
#63 opened by ungefaehrlich - 1
This test did not perform any assertions
#61 opened by kschroeer - 2
Add contributing instructions
#37 opened by aik099 - 3
registerGlobals() or registerGlobalFunctions()?
#52 opened by lathspell - 3
Removed autoloading of functions?
#50 opened by mindplay-dk - 2
Migrate to new Travis CI architecture
#34 opened by aik099 - 12
Improve the Documentation
#41 opened by ascii-soup - 3
hamcrest php installation failed using cmd
#46 opened by sejunaid - 4
No longer loading global functions by default?
#45 opened by ramsey - 10
Connect to Coveralls.Io
#10 opened by aik099 - 4
#12 opened by aik099 - 2
PEAR installation instructions
#8 opened by davedevelopment - 7
Use Scrutinizer for Coding standard validation
#11 opened by aik099 - 15
Cross pollination of deps between local packages can lead to function definition errors
#18 opened by padraic - 11
- 10
Proper autoloading instead of require_once
#15 opened by schickling - 5
Release tags lost
#7 opened by aik099 - 9
Verify, that Packagist has a hook to GitHub
#9 opened by aik099 - 3
composer autoloading
#3 opened by cordoval - 1
clean up and turn readme .txt -> .md version
#2 opened by cordoval - 2
making it even more official
#4 opened by cordoval