
A simple visitor counter API for website using Node.js (Express)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple visitor counter API for website using Node.js (Express)

API: https://counterpro.vercel.app/api

How To Use

This API provides three ways to interact with visitor counters:

Description Method Params Query
Add new ID GET /new/id/name_id /new?id=name_id
Get counter GET /count/id/name_id /count/?id=name_id
Set counter GET /set/name_id/num_count /set?id=name_id&count=num_count
  • Get counter: Retrieve the counter for a specific ID. Provide the name_id in the URL path or through the query parameter.
  • Get counter for all: Retrieve counters for all available IDs.
  • Set counter: Update the counter value for a specific ID. Provide the name_id and num_count in the URL path or through the query parameters.


  • Error

// Code 404

{"status":"error","message":"Route not found"}

Note: For example, when trying to access a specific user ID that hasn't been registered or doesn't match any available routes, the server responds with a 404 status code indicating that the requested resource cannot be found.

// Code 500

{"status":"error","message":"Internal Server Error"}

Note: This error is a generic response indicating that something unexpected went wrong on the server. It could be due to various reasons such as a code error, database connection issues, or other internal server problems that weren't handled properly.

  • Get counter

// Code 200

{"status":"success","message":"The ID 'hamdanzull' was added and the count was successfully changed","count":1}

// Code 200

{"status":"success","message":"The count of ID 'hamdanzull' was successfully changed","count":2}
  • Set counter

// Code 202

{"status":"success","message":"The ID 'hamdanzull' was added and the count was successfully changed","count":"1000"}

// Code 201

{"status":"success","message":"The count of ID 'hamdanzull' was successfully changed","count":"1000"}

// Code 400

{"status":"error","message":"Invalid count value for 'hamdanzull'. Count should be a number"}