
Apis :

Table of Contents

About The Project

CHAT-TEST is a pure [Golang][Golang] project, that manage a dead simple "chat" system.

  • Server: Receiving messages from a network interface (WebSocket) and forwarding them to all the connected clients
  • Client: A process reading a string on STDIN and forwarding it to the server, and also receiving messages from the same server and writing them to STDOUT.

Built With

  • [Golang][Golang]
  • [REST][REST]

Project Architecture

Folder Structure

├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│   └── path.go
├── main.go
├── vendor
└── server
    ├── handlers.go
    ├── response.go
    ├── server.go
    ├── view
    │   └── chat_client.html  //chat client implementation `javaScript` web Socket.
    ├── ws_client.go
    ├── ws_hub.go
    └── ws_room.go


This section will describe the entities of CHAT-TEST service

Hub :

the Hub entity manage set of chat room life cycle:

  • register set of chat rooms.
  • unregister any closed room.
type Hub struct {
   // Registered clients.
   rooms map[*Room]bool //check this bool!!

   // Register requests from the Rooms.
   register chan *Room

   // Unregister requests from Rooms.
   unregister chan *Room

Room :

the Room entity manage set of the web socket connections (web socket clients).

// Room is a middleman between the Client and the hub.
type Room struct {
   ID uuid.UUID

   hub *Hub

   roomID string

   RoomType RoomType

   clients map[*Client]bool

   // Inbound messages from the clients.
   broadcast chan string

   // Register requests from the clients.
   register chan *Client

   // Unregister requests from clients.
   unregister chan *Client


simple websocket connection.

// Client is a middleman between the websocket connection and the hub.
type Client struct {
   ID uuid.UUID

   userEmail string

   room *Room

   // The websocket connection.
   conn *websocket.Conn

   // Buffered channel of outbound messages.
   send chan string

JavaScript Client:

Client: A process reading a string on STDIN and forwarding it to the server, and also receiving messages from the same server and writing them to STDOUT.

to test the chat-server we are using javascript web socket client:

       function connect() {
           var room_id = document.getElementById("room_id").value;
           var user_email = document.getElementById("user_email").value;
           var url = "ws://localhost:8080/ws/chat-server?room_id=" + room_id + "&user_email=" + user_email;


           socket = new WebSocket(url);

           socket.onopen = function () {
               output.innerHTML += "<div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"col\"> <p> Connected </p> </div></div>";

           socket.onmessage = function (e) {
               output.innerHTML += "<div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"col\">" +
                   prettifyJson(, true) +

           socket.onclose = () => {
               console.log('Web Socket Connection Closed');

       function disconnect() {
           if (socket != null) {


       function sendMessage() {
           if (socket == null) {
               console.log('Web Socket Connection Closed');
           var user_name= document.getElementById("user_name").value;
           var msg = document.getElementById("msgToServer").value;
           socket.send(String(user_name)+" : "+msg);

to test this project:

in project repository run

go mod tidy
go mod vendor
go run main.go

set the room name and user name and email than click on connect

for two or more user coonect with each other you should connect with same room name.

Test, WebSocket!

user : user1 & user2 talk with each other in the room room1

Test, WebSocket example

Also you can use this link to test server:

Test WebSocket Servers