
Simple library to Log event/errors into memory to be used in ASP.NET Core 2.x Projects

Primary LanguageC#

What is this ?

Simple library to Log event/errors into memory to be used in ASP.NET Core 2.x Projects

By using this library you will have the following features in your project:

  • No need any database config
  • Automatically logging all of the errors and events for each request based on LogLevel.
  • Url to see logs, with search and filtering capabilities.
  • ...

Install via NuGet

To install InMemoryLogger.Core, run the following command in the Package Manager Console.

pm> Install-Package InMemoryLogger.Core

You can also view the package page on NuGet.

How to use ?

1- install package from nuget.

2- add required services to Startup class as below :

                options.Filter = (loggerName, loglevel) => loglevel >= LogLevel.Error;
                options.Path = "/InMemoryLogs";

3- add middleware to Startup class as below :


4- To view list of logs, enter the url defined at step 2 in browser. like : www.site.com/InMemoryLogs


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Sem Shekhovtsov