
Simple library to Using Redis Cache In .NET Core Projects

Primary LanguageC#

What is this ?

Simple library to Using Redis Cache In .NET Core Projects

Article in persian

Install via NuGet

To install RedisCache.Core, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

pm> Install-Package RedisCache.Core

You can also view the package page on NuGet.

How to use ?

First you must install redis server. in quickly way you can install chocolaty and install redis through it. then run following command in cmd (run as administrator);

C:\> redis-server 

Then :

1- install package from nuget

2- add required services to Startup class as below :

  services.AddRedisCache(options =>
                options.Configuration ="localhost:6379";
                options.InstanceName ="RedisCacheTestDB" ;

3- Use IRedisCacheService in your app :

    public class ValuesController : Controller
        private readonly IRedisCacheService _redisCacheService;
        private readonly IEnumerable<ValueModel> _values;

        public ValuesController(IRedisCacheService redisCacheService)
            _redisCacheService = redisCacheService;
            _values = GetSampleValues();

        // GET api/values
        public IEnumerable<ValueModel> Get()
            if (!_redisCacheService.TryGetValue(key: ValuesCacheKeyTemplate.AllValuesCacheKey, result: out IEnumerable<ValueModel> values))
                values = _values;//get data from db instead
                _redisCacheService.Set(key: ValuesCacheKeyTemplate.AllValuesCacheKey, data: values, cacheTimeInMinutes: 60);

            return values;

        // GET api/values/1
        public ValueModel Get(int id)
            var cacheKey = string.Format(ValuesCacheKeyTemplate.ValueByIdCacheKey, id);
            return _redisCacheService.GetOrSet(key: cacheKey, factory:()=> _values.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Id == id), cacheTimeInMinutes: 60);


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerable<ValueModel> GetSampleValues()
            return new List<ValueModel>
                new ValueModel{Id=1,Prop1="Prop 1",Prop2="Prop 2"},
                new ValueModel{Id=2,Prop1="Prop 3",Prop2="Prop 4"},
                new ValueModel{Id=3,Prop1="Prop 5",Prop2="Prop 6"},
                new ValueModel{Id=4,Prop1="Prop 7",Prop2="Prop 8"},
                new ValueModel{Id=5,Prop1="Prop 9",Prop2="Prop 10"},
