3rd Workshop in Computational Neuroscience
I use brian2, The Brian spiking neural network simulator version 2.
Before attending the workshop, make sure that:
- You have Python3 on your machines. I use the one that comes with Debian. Ubuntu also has it ready to install. If you use windows, you can use Anaconda.
- You can program in Python3. If not please learn it, there are many free online tutorials, books and courses, like The official tutorial, Python for non-programmers and Python form programmers.
- You have numpy, scipy, pandas and matplotlib installed.
- It is good to have Jupyter and git.
In linux terminal run this:
$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade brian2
It downloads and installs Brian2 and all its dependencies. For other cases, read the manual.
In terminal run:
git clone https://github.com/hamed/WCN3.git
It creates WCN3 directory that includes all the examples.