Build a fully integrated pipeline to train your machine learning models with Tensorflow and Kubernetes.
This repo will guide you through:
- setting up a local environment with python, pip and tensorflow
- packaging up your models as Docker containers
- creating and configuring a Kubernetes cluster
- deploying models in your cluster
- scaling your model using Distributed Tensorflow
- serving your model
- tuning your model using hyperparameter optimisation
You should have the following tools installed:
- minikube
- kubectl
- ksonnet
- python 2.7
- pip
- sed
- an account on Docker Hub
- an account on GCP
- Gcloud
MNIST is a simple computer vision dataset. It consists of images of handwritten digits like these:
It also includes labels for each image, telling us which digit it is. For example, the labels for the above images are 5, 0, 4, and 1.
In this tutorial, you're going to train a model to look at images and predict what digits they are.
If you plan to train your model using distributed Tensorflow you should be aware of:
- you should use the Estimator API where possible.
- distribute Tensorflow works only with tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate. If you use the method train and evaluate it won't work.
- you should save your model with export_savedmodel so that Tensorflow serving can serve them
- you should use use tf.estimator.RunConfig to read the configuration from the environment. The Tensorflow operator in Kubedflow automatically populated the environment variables that are consumed by that class.
You can create a virtual environment for python with:
virtualenv --system-site-packages --python /usr/bin/python src
Please note that you may have to customise the path for your
You can activate the virtual environment with:
cd src
source bin/activate
You should install the dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can test that the script works as expected with:
You can package your application in a Docker image with:
cd src
docker build -t learnk8s/mnist:1.0.0 .
Please note that you may want to customise the image to have the username of your Docker Hub account instead of learnk8s
You can test the Docker image with:
docker run -ti learnk8s/mnist:1.0.0
You can upload the Docker image to the Docker Hub registry with:
docker push learnk8s/mnist:1.0.0
You can train your models in the cloud or locally.
You can create a local Kubernetes cluster with minikube:
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8096 --disk-size=40g
Once your cluster is ready, you can install kubeflow.
You can download the packages with:
ks init my-kubeflow
cd my-kubeflow
ks registry add kubeflow
ks pkg install kubeflow/core@v0.1.2
ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-serving@v0.1.2
ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-job@v0.1.2
You can generate a component from a Ksonnet prototype with:
ks generate core kubeflow-core --name=kubeflow-core
Create a separate namespace for kubeflow:
kubectl create namespace kubeflow
Make the environment the default environment for ksonnet with:
ks env set default --namespace kubeflow
Deploy kubeflow with:
ks apply default -c kubeflow-core
To use distributed Tensorflow, you have to share a filesystem between the master node and the parameter servers.
You can create an NFS server with:
kubectl create -f kube/nfs-minikube.yaml
Make a note of the IP of the service for the NFS server with:
kubectl get svc nfs-server
Replace nfs-server.default.svc.cluster.local
with the ip address of the service in kube/pvc-minikube.yaml
The change is necessary since kube-dns is not configured correctly in the VM and the kubelet can't resolve the domain name.
Create the volume with:
kubectl create -f kube/pvc-minikube.yaml
Create a cluster on GKE with:
gcloud container clusters create distributed-tf --machine-type=n1-standard-8 --num-nodes=3
You can obtain the credentials for kubectl
gcloud container clusters get-credentials distributed-tf
Give yourself admin permission to install kubeflow:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding default-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin
You can download the packages with:
ks init my-kubeflow
cd my-kubeflow
ks registry add kubeflow
ks pkg install kubeflow/core@v0.1.2
ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-serving@v0.1.2
ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-job@v0.1.2
You can generate a component from a Ksonnet prototype with:
ks generate core kubeflow-core --name=kubeflow-core
Create a separate namespace for kubeflow:
kubectl create namespace kubeflow
Make the environment the default environment for ksonnet with:
ks env set default --namespace kubeflow
Configure kubeflow to run in the Google Cloud Platform:
ks param set kubeflow-core cloud gcp
Deploy kubeflow with:
ks apply default -c kubeflow-core
To use distributed Tensorflow, you have to share a filesystem between the master node and the parameter servers.
Create a Google Compute Engine persistent disk:
gcloud compute disks create --size=10GB gce-nfs-disk
You can create an NFS server with:
kubectl create -f kube/nfs-gke.yaml
Create an NFS volume with:
kubectl create -f kube/pvc-gke.yaml
You can submit a job to Kubernetes to run your Docker container with:
kubectl create -f kube/job.yaml
Please note that you may want to customise the image for your container.
The job runs a single container and doesn't scale.
However, it is still more convenient than running it on your computer.
You can run a distributed Tensorflow job on your NFS filesystem with:
kubectl create -f kube/tfjob.yaml
The results are stored in the NFS volume.
You can visualise the detail of your distributed tensorflow job with Tensorboard.
You can deploy Tensorboard with:
kubectl create -f kube/tensorboard.yaml
Retrieve the name of the Tensorboard's Pod with:
kubectl get pods -l app=tensorboard
You can forward the traffic from the Pod on your cluster to your computer with:
kubectl port-forward tensorboard-XX-ID-XX 8080:6006
Please note that you should probably use an Ingress manifest to expose your service to the public permanently.
You can visit the dashboard at http://localhost:8080.
You can serve your model with Tensorflow Serving.
You can create a Tensorflow Serving server with:
kubectl create -f kube/serving.yaml
Retrieve the name of the Tensorflow Serving's Pod with:
kubectl get pods -l app=tf-serving
You can forward the traffic from the Tensorboard's Pod on your cluster to your computer with:
kubectl port-forward tf-serving-XX-ID-XX 8080:9000
Please note that you should probably use an Ingress manifest to expose your service to the public permanently.
You can query the model using the client:
cd src
python --host localhost --port 8080 --image ../data/4.png --signature_name predict --model test
Please make sure your virtualenv is still active.
The model should recognise the digit 4.
The model can be tuned with the following parameters:
- the learning rate
- the number of hidden layers in the neural network
You could submit a set of jobs to investigate the different combinations of parameters.
The templated
folder contains a tf-templated.yaml
file with placeholders for the variables.
script interpolated the values and submit the TFJobs to the cluster.
Before you run the jobs, make sure you have your Tensorboard running locally:
kubectl port-forward tensorboard-XX-ID-XX 8080:6006
You can run the test with:
cd templated
You can follow the progress of the training in real-time at http://localhost:8080.
You should probably expose your services such as Tensorboard and Tensorflow Serving with an ingress manifest rather than using the port forwarding functionality in kube-proxy
The NFS volume is running on a single instance and isn't highly available. Having a single node for your storage may work if you run small workloads, but you should probably investigate Ceph, GlusterFS or as a way to manage distributed storage.
You should consider using Helm instead of crafting your own scripts to interpolate yaml files.